Chapter-81: Pati Babu's Bondita

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I waited for Bondita in the garden from half past eleven, after arranging a couple of things which I wanted to present her that night. As the hands in my wrist watch moved towards twelve, my heart rate immensely increased due to the excitement of seeing Bondita again. I laughed at my eagerness and wondered how I will hold myself when we actually progress further in our relationship if I were to become this restless within few hours of love confession. The hurricane of love took a heavy toll on my life, in a very beautiful way indeed.

Subsequently, I walked towards the main entrance of the house with a lantern, to lead Bondita into the garden carefully, so that she wouldn't stumble. However, in the process I collided with somebody. We shrieked in unison at the unpredictable encounter only to find out each other's identity and laugh. I breathed in relief learning that it was Bondita and she grinned cheerfully seeing my face in the light of the lantern that I held close to our faces.

We fell into the magic created by the golden light, losing ourselves in each other. The beaming face of my angel glowed even more, making her look heavenly. It didn't help my rising heart rate in any way. But what made my condition worse was the way Bondita looked at me. Her eyes clearly told that she was smitten with her sakha babu, causing me to blush profusely.

We would've stood there gawking at each other for the whole night, if I didn't break the trance by snapping my fingers in front of Bondita's eyes. She flinched at the sudden sound, feeling embarrassed. I extended my hand lovingly asking for hers and led her into the garden.

"I thought you might've already slept.", I said, cautiously observing the path ahead in the faint light and walking her through the shrubbery.

"I told you, my eyes wouldn't easily close tonight.", she replied coyly, intimidated by our proximity in the darkness.

We stopped in our tracks on reaching the swing that was beautifully decorated with flowers. I hung the lantern to one of the branches of a tree and asked Bondita to sit on the swing. Her eyes shone brightly like the stars as she glanced at me in surprise.

"Sit down, sweetheart.", I said, pointing towards the swing, "I know how much you like the swing. Also, I've noticed your disappointed face today when thakuma deliberately stopped you from swinging. Above all this, I want to tell how much I missed you in the morning while swinging those girls. In fact, I was only remembering you and imaging both of us in the scene.

In my imagination, we both were alone in a heavenly place where there was a beautiful swing. My exquisite Bondita was sitting on it while I stood behind her and moved the swing to and fro, watching her laugh and giggle. Even while playing the flute, I was imagining you and that's how a beautiful tune came out."

Bondita was delighted at my confession and responded with a grateful smile. After making her sit on the swing, I went behind and held the swing chains exactly where she was holding them, thereby brushing my fingers against hers. Although it was an unplanned casual move, it caused sparks of excitement within me. Her fingers which reflexively shivered at my touch told that her condition was no better than mine.

The love swelling inside my heart then propelled me to bend close to ear and say, "Don't squeal loudly in excitement, as that will expose our secret meeting to the whole world."

She quivered at the tickling sensation that passed through her ear to the body and giggled, agreeing to what I have said. Initially, I swayed the swing gently to let her get accustomed to it. Gradually, I increased the pace and pushed the swing to greater heights, giving her the adrenaline rush. In intense excitement, Bondita shrieked, "Sakha babu, please hold me; otherwise I will fall down."

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