Chapter-13: Setting An Example

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"Pati babu, is it necessary to annul our marriage?", she asked innocently looking into my eyes.

I stood still without opening my mouth. At that point of time, even I was clueless regarding what to do and what not to. Then how can I explain that to a girl who doesn't even know the meaning of marriage in the first place?

"Pati babu, please tell me.", she urged.

"No Bondita. It's not necessary to nullify our marriage.", I replied abruptly breaking my silence.

"Then why are you crying?", came the next question.

Yes, why was I crying then?

"Everything is in my hands. There is no one who can force me to break my marriage. Even if we consider the court judgment, my marriage doesn't have any threat. Then why am I crying?", I thought.

A brief silence prevailed all over again. I looked at her only to see that she was looking at me in anticipation for an answer. I know that she won't leave me until I answer all her questions.

So, I took a deep breath and spoke, "I am crying because for the first time I am scared that I may fail to fulfill my responsibilities and keep up my promises. Right now my mind is hosting a battle going on between a husband and a social reformer. If the husband wins, the reformer may lose. If the reformer wins, the husband will lose. However, it is necessary to make both of them win. It is essential for me to fulfill the promises that I made to you and also to my country. My mind and heart are also waging a war against each other, Bondita. The ideals that my mind have adopted are saying that it is wrong to support a child marriage and thus our marriage has no meaning. While, on the other hand, the attachment that my heart has grown for you over a period of time, is asking me not to break this bond with you.

Anyway, you don't bother about all these. Nothing has changed between us nor will it change in the future. As I told you earlier, whatever decision you take, I will happily accept it. At the end of the day, nothing is more important to me than your happiness; not even my dream ofrevolution.", I added trying to ease her tension.

"Then we shall not break our marriage. Like a good wife, I will be roaming behind you forever.", she said grinning.

At first I didn't know how to react but I was relieved seeing her smile after a lot of mental turmoil. I reciprocated her smile and said, "Not behind me but I want you to walk beside me.", and we both laughed.

It seemed the pain that I had a few minutes back had vanished. I felt so relieved as if I came out of an electric shock. "Now I can happily help Bondita in her journey to become a barrister.", I said to myself.

In the afternoon everyone was busy with their own works after having their lunch. It seemed everything had come to normal after Bondita and I declared our decision of not nullifying our marriage. I was studying some case while Bondita and Batuk were finishing their homework when we got distracted by a commotion at the threshold of our mansion. I quickly went out to check what it was. I saw a group of people along with the headman of Tulsipur. When we enquired the reason for their visit, they said that they had some problem with us and wanted talk about it. I saw this coming. Undoubtedly they had come to fight with me. We welcomed them unwillingly and everyone got seated.

Kaka asked, "Mr. Headman, what's your problem? Why are you here?".

The headman started off, "Zamindar babu, we are having a problem with your son Anirudh. Today, we have come with lot of hopes that we will get justice."

"What are you saying? What problem do you have with our son?", screamed kaka and baba.

"Your son fought a case in court against child marriage and had made child marriages illegal in Tulsipur. He became the reason for the insult of our daughters. Our honour is at stake now", said one of the villagers.

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