Chapter-68: The Tongue-Tied Barristers

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The cool water of the pool soothed every nerve of my body while the picturesque sight of Bondita drying her hair and smiling shyly at our not so romantic encounter, alleviated my stress, there by erasing any traces of doubts regarding our love. I was thoroughly energised, all set to face the upcoming challenges.

I was quite sure of one thing though. A week's time is really long to make Bondita confess, because she loves me way too much; may be more than I can imagine. After all, she has the softest heart like wax, which is surely going to melt with the warmth of my love. I swam happily thinking about all this until I finally decided to come out of the pool and realised that my towel was with Bondita.

When I called out to her for help, I saw her face changing colours. Very clearly she was planning something mischievous by forgetting her anger and worry, which automatically made me say,

"Bondita, look; don't think of anything mischievous. We shall play after I come out. Give my towel at first."

"What a fantastic idea!! So, far I haven't thought of doing any mischief, but now that you have reminded, I will meet your expectation. So, Mr. Barrister, enjoy your day in the pool while I leave. See you at the accommodation."

"Are you planning to leave? Really?", I exclaimed, "If you have already forgotten, let me remind you this is neither Tulsipur nor Krishnanagar. Besides, you haven't even observed the route while coming here, as you were too busy in stealing glances at me."

She froze at this revelation. Poor girl must not have thought of getting caught.

"You thought I wouldn't notice you?", I pressed on the topic further, making her look away in embarrassment. "So, my lovely Bondita, stop playing with my helplessness; for, I have better reasons to play with you."

"Rakshas babu.", she uttered audibly and handed over the towel.

I walked straight to her from behind as I came out of the pool, shedding away the water droplets from my wet hair with fingers.

She was taken aback when I spoke in a husky tone close to her ear, "Why should you take the trouble of stealing glances when you can rightfully look at me? You can stare at your sakha babu whenever you want; for any amount of time. You have my consent, Bondita."

She closed her eyes tight to overcome the tension before gathering herself again and uttered in a commanding tone,

"How are you so sure that I was stealing glances at you? That means were you also doing the same thing?"

It was my turn to get embarrassed now.

"Am I left with any other option? I am not sure whether I have your consent or not. What else can I do other than stealing glances?", I sadly replied.

"I don't think I am that special for you to take so much trouble."

"Only if you look at yourself with my eyes, you will know how special you are to me.", I promptly confessed.

She reflexively turned to look into my eyes that reflected so much love for her.

"Will you?", I asked, while we were lost in each other's eyes.

"This is unfair. You cannot entangle me in your sweet words and those lovely eyes.", she blurted her heart out helplessly.

"So, you are saying that my eyes are lovely? Thank you so much."

"Uh...mmmm....lets go home quickly. Kali dadi may feel bad if we don't show up until afternoon.", she cleverly evaded the topic.

"Let me wear my clothes and we shall leave.", I said and quickly put on my clothes.

While walking home, Bondita was lost in some serious thought. Although it didn't go unnoticed by me, I decided not to nudge her until she voluntarily shared her thoughts. Much to my surprise, she finally spoke,

"What about that program of yours which you dreamt of long ago? Did it see any improvement in these six years of my absence?"

"Which one?", I asked.

"You wanted to make public washrooms in Tulsipur but the project failed due to my ignorance.", she sadly recollected.

"Well, the condition in cities is definitely better, as you have seen in Madras. But small towns and villages are still adamant to change. I don't think there is any great improvement in this aspect. However, the affluent families have progressed, while the less fortunate couldn't due to the obvious financial reasons."

"Didn't you do anything towards it, in these six years?"

"Honestly, ever since I left you in London, I did not remain the same Anirudh that you know. I was barely living for the sake of living. I used to function mechanically. I would go to court, argue, comeback and sit in the secret room that is filled with your memories."

She inhaled audibly. We gave a minute for silence to creep in, before she spoke

"I wouldn't dare to ask why."

"You should have known the answer by this time. I couldn't be any better after walking away from my life, my soul."

Wetness pooled in Bondita's eyes as a reflex.

"What if I never came back? What if I choose another person?"

I smiled.

"I would still live Bondita. I will live to make sure that you are fine wherever you are. I will survive to be there when you need me, to look after you and protect you. After all, you are my responsibility, you know.

"So, that is how you had decided to fulfil your never ending responsibility in case I don't choose you. Otherwise, you thought of marrying me for my sake. In this whole thing I don't see your opinion anywhere.", she continued, almost crying.

"I don't think my opinions matter. All that matters to me is you and your choices. You don't expect me to marry you forcefully, right?"I asked.

"But your choices matter to me, Barrister babu. Right now it feels like I am your devotee and you are the God who is only granting me wishes. I would have been happier if you leave your sky abode and stand beside me on the land. I would have been glad if you can think about yourself for a minute and make your choices clear. I would not be crying like this if you had tried to seek what is there in my heart before making your own plans for my life. "

"Why is it becoming so difficult to understand my Bondita all of a sudden?", I thought, "Aren't our hearts connected? Then why is this distance?"

"Like every other man, you too proved that you cannot understand a woman's heart.", she complained with tears.

"Bondita, relax. Please stop crying. I don't want to know about other women; but I swear I will do my best to understand your mind properly. Forgive this 'dumb babu', please.", I pleaded holding my ears, like I used to do in her childhood.

She instantaneously smiled, wiping away her tears.


Hey guys, here is a short update for you all. I hope you won't be too disappointed. The next chapter will be longer. See you all soon. Happy reading :).

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