The wheel of time spun too fast that even before we could realize, it has been two years since we shifted to Madras. Kaka and baba occasionally visited us and sometimes my brothers would accompany them too. Life was peaceful without much chaos and I was too happy in my simple little world. My career took a good shape as I became famous. However, the main cause of my happiness remained my sakhi Bondita, who is the reason for my very existence and her well-being.
Her life was going the way I had wanted it to be. She did exceptionally well in her studies and gained accolades regularly for her performance in academics as well as extracurricular activities. My dream of giving her a normal childhood seemed to come true. Just a matter of two more years and she will finish her schooling. I haven't yet decided where to send her for the higher education. Sometimes I would think about getting her admitted in the London University, while the other times, I want to send her to the Presidency college of Madras.
Over these two years, my concern for Bondita had grown multifold that I can't send her alone to London. At the same time, I can't accompany her to London because that would interrupt my services to the country. I have been the secret legal advisor for many anti governmental organizations that were fighting for freedom. Also, a break of five years would make people forget me and then, after returning back to India I may find it difficult to establish myself as a barrister again.
"If that happens, then how can I fulfill my responsibilities towards Bondita?", this was another thought that gripped my mind very often.
I have stopped using my ancestral wealth a long time ago. I met Bondita's expenses with my hard work and will continue to do so in future as well, because that gives me immense satisfaction enough for a lifetime. Kaka and baba were not at all happy with my refusal of the family's wealth. Yet, I can't compromise with my self-respect. Moreover, the sense of fulfilling my responsibilities with my own hands is surreal. However, I had promised them to use our family's wealth for the welfare projects that I wanted to launch sometime in my life. In that way, my family's name would shine even brighter and I can pay back the debt to my parents and ancestors.
However, nothing is more important to me than Bondita, her safety and happiness; not even my self-respect and career. Anyway, there is still two years left to decide on that issue, so for time being I put those thoughts aside.
After coming to Madras, I have opted to live a simple life with minimum luxuries. I didn't even buy much furniture in the house except for the minimum essentials like a cot, bed, a study table and a few chairs. I preferred to eat by sitting on the floor rather than going for a dining table. I did that to express my solidarity with the freedom fighters, who lived a meager life away from the comforts of their houses. I drew my inspiration from them.
Sitting at my desk in the office, I scribbled all this in my diary and when I checked the watch, it was already five in the evening. I knew I had to rush because my students will be waiting for me. Yes, you heard that right. Along with Bondita, I have been teaching many other girls and boys of our colony.
During the last summer holidays, Bondita and I had taken up the task of educating girls of that area. We were glad that there weren't many restrictions regarding women education in Madras unlike in Bengal, though they did not attend formal schools and aim for higher studies. This has made our work easier.
Mr. Iyer used to take tuitions for the boys of that colony during the evenings. Sometimes, when he gets too tired, he used to ask me to handle his classes, as Subbu was not interested in teaching. While doing so, I used to make even Bondita sit in the class. Initially, the boys made fun of her, but later on seeing her perform well in studies, they started to respect her.

Anirudh- The Story Of A Misread Barrister
FanfictionWhen Anirudh Roy Chowdhary, a twenty-one year old barrister, who is the eldest son of a rich family of landlords, returned to India abruptly after completing his graduation from London, for improving the conditions of women in India, to change the o...