Chapter-94: His Annapoorna

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* (Annapoorna - the goddess of food)

"Senior, I have a news for you.", came Subash with a message and the messenger. He was none other than his brother Palash to whom I had assigned a task. I have known these brothers for four years and they are nothing less to my siblings. Palash was pursuing a degree in arts and would occasionally come to my help.

"I didn't expect you this early, Palash. Anyway, what information did you gather?", I enquired.

"Dada, the police have lifted the curfew. Now even the telephone and telegraphic lines have been opened."

I let out a sarcastic chuckle, earning perplexed looks from all my juniors.

Bondita who seemed to have read something from my reaction, expressed her doubt, "Why did they hamper the communication media anyway, when curfew clearly has nothing to do with them?" "What are the local officials up to?"

"It's a deliberate move to stop the freedom movement.", I observed with a deep sigh, "The government will grab every opportunity to weaken the growing national movement; for which, they will make use of our stupidity. In spite of being very much aware of the "divide and rule" concept of the British, we still give them chances to intervene, by fighting among ourselves. We keep forgetting that unity is strength."

"Can you clearly tell me what exactly happened between Krishnanagar and Tulsipur? What is the cause of the tussle?", Bondita snapped at us.

"Barrister Bondita, we shall talk about it later.", I avoided narrating the incidents, because I don't want her to get traumatised due to people's stupidity.

When a displeased Bondita was about to press on the matter further, I interjected with my next and the most important question to Palash.

"Then, what did you learn about Chandrachur?"

"Well, dada..", he sighed, "My investigation says that he doesn't have any track record of assaulting woman or being a womaniser, so far. Yet, he cannot be called a gentleman too because..."

"I knew it."

"He doesn't hold women in high regard. Just like most men of our times, he also bears regressive mindset and considers women to be less than men. It seems he is highly driven by male ego. Due to this nature, his equation with his wife is not very great, if not worst. The neighbours of the Banerjees told that they would occasionally listen to Chandrachur shouting at his wife and blaming her for his bad behaviour."

My gaze instinctively shifted towards Bondita who was trying hard to control the building up moisture in her eyes. It was a gut-wrenching sight for me, along with the fact that women have to put up with such despicable men.

"Also..", Palash added, "these days he is frequently visiting his wife's house, it seems, which makes the villagers believe that he wants to abandon his wife. They are also associating the issue with his wife's infertility..."

"It's a big lie.", Bondita expressed her displeasure over the villagers' opinion. "The reason behind Chandrachur's frequent visits to Krishnanagar is not my sister but me."

"I am sorry, barrister Das. I am just feeding you guys with the information I have gathered. I don't intend to hurt your feelings or demean your sister.", Palash justified.

"In fact, I know it, Mr. Palash.", Bondita assured with a smile, swallowing her tears.

"I also know that my sister cannot be infertile. She needs some positive environment and love which this Chandrachur has failed to provide.", Bondita said, shifting her gaze towards me.

"I had a dialogue with her last night, sir. She accused me for ruining her married life. It seems after seeing me, Chadrachur's behaviour towards her has turned violent. He is finding opportunities to beat her these days and...", she gulped.

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