Chapter-89: The Caged Princess and the Worn Out Prince

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[A/N- Please forgive typos]

I convinced Bondita that I would talk to our families about our wedding. "We will not tell anything about our escape and Chandrachur's intentions right now; as no one would believe in our claim without evidence. Instead, I will tell that we have met in Banaras and decided to get married. What will you say?", I asked Bondita at the doorstep of the post office.

"Whatever you feel is right.", she permitted.

I attempted to telephone the Krishnanagar house at first but couldn't establish a connection. Then I tried making a call to the Roy Chowdhary haweli and surprisingly couldn't connect to it either.

"It seems neither of the houses can be contacted at the moment.", I said, turning to Bondita, "But why is that?"

"Try again.", she suggested.

Once again I made a call to both the houses but in vain. The more eager I was to get married, the more things were getting delayed. My anxious mind ran in different directions and stopped at Subash. He is supposed to have all the necessary information about my life. So, I dialled to my office number but in vain. It was not answered.

"Why didn't Subash bother to send a reply to my telegram? And now he is not even answering my phone call. Damn it! What has happened to our family?" I uttered in annoyance.

"Why are you getting so anxious, sakha babu? He must be inside the courtroom."

"You're right. What shall we do then? Wait or go back?"

Bondita opted to wait and hence we sat there talking about some random things.

"I am planning to sell this ring.", I said, pointing to a diamond ring I was wearing and Bondita seriously questioned the cause.

"We would need some money to get married, right?"

"I don't think so. You can just fill my hairline before Durga ma and make me yours forever. Later we can take the blessings of the priest along with that of the elders.", Bondita advised.

"Shotti? Is that enough?"

"That's more than sufficient, sakha babu."

I smiled half-heartedly as my thoughts trailed back to the unknown adversity being prophesied by my sixth sense. It was then we were called to receive a telegram from Deenpur. I heaved a sigh of relief temporarily and hurried to collect the message, followed by Bondita.

Alas! My fears turned out to be true. The message we received was the most unfavourable one which made my Bondita burst into tears. I was also not any less worried because it was about our mother, Sumati.

The message said,

"Mother is in a bad condition. Your presence is required at the earliest."

Bondita began to cry leaning on my chest. "Maa was absolutely fine until I left home. What could've happened to her all of a sudden?", she sobbed.

I had to keep all my fears away and console her. A thorough contemplation over the message made it sound odd, unlike how Subash usually talked to me. There was nowhere mentioned that the message was addressed to me by Subash, except for the fact that it contained the postal addresses of Deenpur court and the post office where we were standing.

Although it didn't sound genuine, I couldn't debate over it, owing to Bondita's emotions and love for her mother. Even if there was only one percent truth in the message, we should leave Chandannagar at the earliest because it was the question of Sumati ma. Therefore I chose to remain silent about my suspicions and tried to comfort Bondita.

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