Chapter-72: Anirudh's Introspection About Possessiveness

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We reached home to find Mrs. Kali surrounded by her tenants, indulging in a serious talk. She acknowledged our entry with a cry of delight, "Oh, the king and the queen have finally come! You're being discussed here for a long time."

"What for?", I asked, looking at Bondita, who also seemed to be equally perplexed at her declaration. "You see", said Mrs.Kali, "about the construction of a bathroom in the campus. We just had a meeting about the same, where we discussed the benefits of having an enclosed room for cleaning ourselves and the need to bring this lifestyle change at the earliest. After giving the matter a good thought, everyone has finally given their consent to your proposal, thereby crediting you for coming up with such a noble thought. You now became the hero among all the womenfolk here, especially among these young girls." She pointed to a group of young ladies standing beside her, who threw shy glances at me.

Until then, I was very much unaware about the presence of those women in the neighbourhood. I passed an uncomfortable smile at Mrs. Kali and sought her permission to retire into my room before things could turn more awkward for me. Once we were all alone inside our room, I remembered the ant that gained my Bondita's interest and sulked. Sitting at the study table, I pondered over my feelings.

"What exactly is bothering me?", I asked myself. I was very certain of the truth that Bondita loves me, although she hasn't said it with her mouth yet. She loved me ever since she was a child. Besides, she clearly put forth her feelings in the letter she wrote to me and her diary addressing her 'sakha babu'. I practically didn't have any reason to feel insecure about our relationship or jealous of her male friends. Then why was I feeling gloomy at the mention and praise of her male friend? Still, the idea of her friend made me uncomfortable, in spite of reasoning out with my mind.

When I was busy in these thoughts, my eyes searched for the only image they want to always see. She was behind the wooden room divider for changing clothes, to get into her night saree. The opaque screen of the room divider didn't touch the ground, except for its legs, giving good view of the feet of the person hiding behind them. A single glance at her feet had flooded my mind with love and I put myself in the court room introspecting over rights and wrongs.

How unethical it is of me to feel uncomfortable about her male friends? Possessiveness if not checked at the right time, can become poisonous and turn relationships toxic. Beyond everything I love her; and if I do, I should only focus on expressing my love and continue to love, but not exert my rights on my beloved.

"Hold on! Mr. Perfect", cried the Anirudh in tennis clothes, who, as usually appeared from nowhere with a rose flower, much to my disgust. "Being possessive is quite common in love. Even your Bondita is possessive about you. It would be better if you stop cursing yourself and think about how you can make her forget the rest of the world with your love."

"You may think about the latter, but I would totally disagree with the first half of what this Tennis babu has told. Possessiveness shouldn't be normalised. It can lead to disasters. While love sets one free, possessiveness binds.", advised the Anirudh in barrister robe.

"Oh, you have also come. Great! Now the room of my mind's court feels complete.", I welcomed him.

"Today, I am not your well known Tennis Babu but a lover boy Anirudh, whom you can address as Romeo Babu may be?", he said winking at me and smelling the rose in his hands.

"Whatever, I agree with Barrister Babu here. It is right that love seeks freedom and possessiveness seeks bondage.", I told.

"My dear good Anirudh, it is necessary to be bound in a relationship. Otherwise will you keep floating like a ship that hasn't been anchored?", he questioned.

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