Chapter- 58: Anirudh's Secret Room Is Invaded

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The sun was very much up by the time I reached home feeling extremely tired, both physically and emotionally. The emotional drain was a result of parting ways with Bondita. It would not be a lie to say that I didn't want to leave her in Krishnanagar and return home all alone. For a split second, I felt like asking her to accompany me to Tulsipur, if I had noticed even a slightest displeasure on her face at my departure. But to my disappointment, she remained indifferent. I took that as a hint and returned, without even telling her a proper goodbye.

Like it was decided earlier, I was to rest that entire day without going to court. I called Subash to confirm the hearing dates of some important cases, which was when I remembered Arjun. I haven't seen him for three days nor did I hear from him. I was a little surprised but all the more worried thinking about the probable reasons for his sudden absence. Whatever might be the problem, a simple message from him could have kept me at peace, or I should've been with him to lend a helping hand. However, he proved himself worthy of my reprimand by showing his irresponsibility; for which, I had made up my mind not to spare him once he returns.

Succeeding the consumption of morning refreshments, I made myself comfortably seated on the bed, leaning my back on a pillow placed against the headboard and recollected all that happened in the last three days. When I had almost made up my mind that I will never be able to meet Bondita again, I got to spend three days in her company, which was nothing less than a miracle.

Her wits, intelligence, innocence, kindness, silliness, logical arguments seemed to have enticed me beyond restoration, that I witnessed my obstinacy being slowly disintegrated with every passing moment, giving birth to a new Anirudh who sought Bondita's company.

Besides, her sparkling eyes that shine on catching my sight, her milky cheeks which gain colour in my proximity, the heart-warming words which always try to tell me something more than I can listen, and her disposition which exhibits immense interest in me, allowed me to think of taking our relationship to another plane. This temperament of Bondita had enslaved me for a lifetime, or probably for all the many lives to come, if at all I have her consent. Indroneel's words also contributed to a shift in my perspective with which I was seeing the whole thing. He said that he had seen something in Bondita's eyes for me, other than mere friendship and admiration.

The thought of her 'consent' reminded me of her diary that I had stolen the other day. In the best interest of our lives or rather her life, I have decided to read it, to know if I can go ahead in the direction that my heart was leading me towards. When at last I had convinced myself to do the needful, I went into the room where all her belongings and my secrets were preserved. Although I went there in pursuit of her diary, my eyes fell on the big portrait of Bondita which I got it done recently. It can be precisely labelled as the picture that gave wings to my unexplored dreams.

I passed a good amount of time admiring it and all the other photos, before reaching for the diary that was kept on the bedside table. I had no sooner seized it than I started reading. The words 'Sakha Babu' written on its cover spoke her affection for me. In spite of my harsh farewell letter, she remained adamant to have me as her friend. The first page of the diary had my photo and 'sakha babu' written once again. The next leaf of the paper read a regretful note,

"Sakha Babu,

I don't know for how many days I have to use the same photos of you again and again. Had you come to visit me at least once in all these years, we should've got many pictures clicked and I wouldn't have to take the trouble of detaching them from old diaries to paste in the new ones. But what more can I expect from a strict rakshas babu like you. Poor me!

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