Bondita's sobs gradually faded into a muffled cry while she still held me in embrace. Amidst weeping, she spoke, "What if....... you didn't come to my rescue? What if I failed to guard myself?", she raised her head to look at me with fear written all over her face.
"When my Bondita is in trouble, how will I not come? There's a bell that rings in my heart whenever you call me. Did you forget?", I reminded.
"It's a lie and you are the King of Lies. Or I can say, the King of scams.", she claimed in the cutest way possible before expressing her feelings seriously.
"This is the reason I shouted at you the other day for handing over my responsibility to thakuma. There's no one in this world whom I trust other than you, not even my own self. In spite of being an alien, you still seem to be my own, barrister babu. May be this is not how you wished to see me after all these years of your hard work to make me independent. But what can I do? I fall weak before my heart which always tells me to search for you when in trouble and rely on you blindly. My stupid heart asks me to leave every problem onto you and be happy. I feel so secure and assured in your presence that I will not have even the slightest fear about anything. I don't know if it is a sign of weakness or what and whether I turned out to be the person you wanted me to become or not; but...", Bondita poured her heart out, bursting into tears.
"My golden girl", I too spoke with tears, "Your heart is always right. It tells you the right things to do. You know, I always want to be there for you and solve every problem of yours. Not only problems but I also want to attend to the smallest of the smallest needs of yours. It gives me immense happiness and adds meaning to my life. If you're trying to give explanation to your anger then it is not required, as it is completely justifiable. Sometimes you must definitely scold your sakha babu to knock some sense into his head.
I don't know what makes you feel that you don't meet my expectations, when the truth is you are always beyond my expectations and never failed to amaze me; neither as a kid nor as an adult. You have turned out to be the best human being just like I thought. I know you would definitely become one. The reason is not my teaching or influence, but you naturally have that element in you. What else do I need?
Moreover, being independent doesn't mean you shouldn't rely on your loved ones. It means to be able to face life courageously even when there's no one to help. In fact, human life doesn't make sense if we do not depend; because we are social animals with a responsive heart. We have a bigger purpose to live than doing the mere life activities like eating and sleeping. In such a case, how is it possible to not trust or depend on anyone in this life's journey?
What makes me extremely happy is you have chosen me as that trustworthy companion. I am elated that I am of some use to you. On this occasion I want you to know that I also depend so much on you. The extent and degree of my reliance is something you can't even imagine. I will tell you when the right time comes."
She looked at my eyes in wonder to make sure if I was saying truth.
"Ms. Bondita Das, I don't lie. By the way, on what grounds did you call me King of Lies and King of Scams, will you explain?", I asked huskily.
"Because you tell lies", she stammered, "You say there is a bell in your heart which rings when I need you. Then why don't you understand what's there in my heart? Besides, you are tricking me with your sweet words to get me closer to you. That's why you are a King of Scams."
"Who? I? Now this is quite an unfair complaint, Ms. Barrister.", I quipped, "Just see who is clinging to whom."
Her eyes went wide as she suddenly took notice of our closeness, thereby immediately withdrawing her hold and making me feel empty. I groaned at this separation.
"I think we don't need any tricks to get close to each other. We are two halves of the same life, so essentially we will be together.", I said with much intensity.
A shy Bondita ran from there as I cried in amusement, "I am not an alien. You know me from a very long time. Our relationship is not of today but very ancient."
The first day of the challenge wasn't fruitful in terms of confessions but seeing the way Bondita responsed to me in different situations, I felt like I almost won.
The next day, I got ready to go to school along with Bondita. Mrs. Kali fed Bondita with sugar and curd, asking her to feed me with the same, as we were going to starting a new task. I thought it was a golden opportunity to further break Bondita's obstinacy and hatched a plan for the same. Mrs. Kali also made sure to be present there to witness this lovely scene of ours.
When Bondita approached me with curd and sugar, I refused to open my mouth.
"Barrister babu, open your mouth. Kali thakuma is watching.", she whispered, holding the spoon close to my lips.
I moved my head saying no.
"Why not? You used to have it at home right? I remember giving this to you whenever you started something new and also on those days of the final hearings of your cases.", she questioned.
"At that time you gave it to me with love, by calling me pati babu or sakha babu affectionately. Now you're calling me barrister babu and making me feel like an alien.", I replied sadly.
"Times have changed, barrister babu."
"But we haven't. Either call me sakha babu lovingly or take this sweet back.", I threatened.
"I'll not address you like that henceforth, as I don't want to bind you in a forceful commitment with me by openly expressing my affection."
"After all our yesterday's conversations do you still think that I am forcefully bound to you? Can't you read anything from my eyes or listen to what my heart is telling?", I asked in displeasure.
"You're annoyed, aren't you? Just within one day you're vexed with my indifference? I waited for six years, barrister babu, without a word from you."
She was right; when compared to her patience and dedication, my plight is nothing. So, with utmost sensitivity, I replied,
"I am neither annoyed nor vexed. However, it definitely hurts me when you repeatedly claim yourself as my burden."
She sighed heavily before saying,
"Anyway, will you open your mouth now? It's getting late. I hope you don't want to get late to duty on the first day itself."; but I denied.
Meanwhile Mrs. Kali intervened, "Oh my king and queen, what are you discussing about? I have just asked you to eat some sugar and curd but not to wage battles."
"Every moment with wife is a huge battle grandma.", I remarked dramatically.
"Keep quiet, my boy; you're saying as if you know about the dynamics of marriage thoroughly. Will anyone pass such comments about his wife on the second day after marriage? Just look at Rani, how innocent and good she is.", Mrs.Kali retaliated before ordering Bondita to feed me with love.
I raised my eyebrows and made a gesture compelling Bondita to accept my condition and bring her love out.
Nevertheless, much to my amazement, Bondita held my nose tightly and stuffed the sweet in my mouth, when I reflexively opened it to breathe. While I stared at her angrily, she swallowed her laughter and raised her brows stating her victory.
That is my Bondita, the one and only remedy to all my mischief, obstinacy and every other problem of mine. This dose of curd and sugar was undoubtedly a good start for a new journey with her.
Hello. Here goes the next chapter.
Upcoming: 'A' for Anirudh or ..................? (any guesses?)

Anirudh- The Story Of A Misread Barrister
Fiksi PenggemarWhen Anirudh Roy Chowdhary, a twenty-one year old barrister, who is the eldest son of a rich family of landlords, returned to India abruptly after completing his graduation from London, for improving the conditions of women in India, to change the o...