➳ introduction

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hello everyone ! this is my new park sunghoon book and im so excited tehe <3

title :

"cursed eyes || park sunghoon"


information :

- this story is 100% fictional. none of this is real.
- tw : violence, blood, anxiety, depression
- typos and grammar errors
- strong language


genre :

- fanfiction
- romance
- with romance comes drama </3
- angst
- #soulmates ?
- fantasy, i m a g i n a t i o n
- curse tings
- university tings


to everyone who is reading this :

i would greatly appreciate it if you vote for each chapter, it motivates me more, especially since i spend a lot of time writing these chapters. commenting is completely up to you <3

(ofc i love writing in general but in a way voting shows that readers appreciate the time authors put into writing chapters, so again, ill greatly appreciate it <3)


main characters :

- choi kasumi (pretty much you aka y/n) (19)
- park sunghoon (20)
- shin yuna (19)
- kang hana (19)
- choi hajime (19)
- choi beomgyu (21)
- choi minnie (A LOT OF CHOIS IKIK LOL) (15)
- sim jake (20)
- park jay (20)
- hwang yeji (21)
- kim saeran (20)
- yong mee (19)

(if anybody here read my first sunghoon series you may remember some of these characters tehe)


plot/summary tings :

it is said that a curse will be laid upon you if you ever left your soulmate. the curse being that one of your eyes will change into the color of your soulmate's. once you meet your soulmate once again, your eye color will change back.

but it's much more complicated.

in order for your eye color to truly turn back to normal, you don't just look at your soulmate. you both have to acknowledge and accept your feelings for each other.

but that doesnt mean something cant interfere.




okok im done now. i hope you enjoy this story and please vote for every chapter, ill greatly appreciate it <3 and commenting is completely up to you !

stay safe <3

- sumire:)

chapter one

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