➳ chapter seven

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sunghoon pov

Classes have just ended for today. I've been relaxing on the grass for a couple of minutes now to try and relax my mind.

I haven't been sleeping in "our" room lately. I've actually been staying in Hajime's room since I don't feel comfortable sleeping next to Hana.

"Does the grass feel nice?" A familiar voice asked, the voice made my heart skip a beat. I opened my right eye to see who was calling out to me. The person was nobody other than Kasumi, who was peaking her head into my vision.

"It feels nice." I answered happily, sitting up and stretching my arms out. Kasumi started taking the little pieces of grass off of the back of my coat, my cheeks slightly reddened by the gesture.

I turned my head slightly to look at her, "What?" She asked, knowing I was looking at her. "Thanks." I replied blankly, making her roll her eyes at me. She then sat down, holding her legs while looking at the river in front of us. I scooted back a little bit to sit next to her.

"I saw Saeran today." She said out of the blue, "He said he wants to meet you today."

I looked at her with an eyebrow slightly raised, "Wha?"

"He wants to meet you today. In like an hour at the small cafe you used to eat at."

I just nodded, I didn't want to ask too many questions. I just admired the sight in front of me. Kasumi admiring the river in front of us, the soft breeze blowing her bangs gracefully, and her cute glasses that she wears often.

"Ma'am! Watch out!" a voice yelled out desperately, I quickly grabbed Kasumi and dragged her quickly towards me. A volleyball then landed on the exact spot Kasumi was in before I moved her.

The little kids came over and bowed apologetically, I just smiled at them and told them to take their ball and be more careful. Once they left, Kasumi and I were still in the same position.

I was still sitting on the grass, but Kasumi was in between my legs, her back against my chest while we were both sitting on the grass.

I took a quick glance at Kasumi's ears, and I noticed they were red.

"She's blushing. How adorable."

I then put my arms around her and rested my chin on her head. She's pretty short.

"Hey! What are you doing?!" Kasumi panicked, stuttering in the process. "Let's just stay like this for awhile." I answered, admiring the river and the trees.

"What did you want to talk about?" I asked while tilting my head at the person in front of me. "I want to talk about Hana." the boy answered, putting his hands together as if he was some business man.

"I'm interested. Spill it, Saeran." I answered quickly, my serious face was showing and I think it freaked him out a little bit.

"Sunghoon, Hana is crazy. She's really crazy. She only came to this university because you were attending. Not only that, she didn't even send an application or take a test or anything. She's filthy rich, she bought her way in just to be here with you."

I knew something was off about her attending this university, there are no classes that she is interested in. "And how do you know this?" I asked, genuinely curious.

"I used to date her. And she was really crazy. It got to the point where she would bully and send death threats to the people that liked me and eyed me." Saeran sounded terrified, thank god he's out of that relationship.

"That explains why a lot of girls and boys stopped flirting with you at some point." I replied, taking a quick sip of my coke.

"I never noticed until now, but your eyes are back to normal." Saeran tried to change the subject, which is probably a good idea. "It didn't change for good reason." I replied blankly.

"What do you mean by that?" Saeran asked, a little bit concerned by my answer. "Once my eyes changed back to normal, Kasumi has been throwing up everyday, she's even throwing up blood. And I think my eyes changing have something to do with Hana, I found dark brown color contacts in her drawer the other day that's why." I replied, my response making Saeran's jaw drop.

"I hope Kasumi is okay." Saeran softly spoke, he was worried about her. "I hope so too." I softly muttered to myself, my heart started aching, all of the scenes of her throwing up and being in pain because of that just flashed in front of me.

"It was nice hanging out, Saeran." I thanked him happily before waving, "Take care of Kasumi!" Saeran yelled while poking out his tongue.

"Don't worry! I will."

kasumi pov

I have flushed down my vomit for the seventh time today. Everything hurts so much. I keep looking at myself in the mirror, and my eyes are still gray. They're not only losing their color, but they're losing life.

I left the bathroom to go into the kitchen, I started going through all the cabinets trying to find something. I personally think this thing will ease the pain for me a little bit.

I can also sleep peacefully.

I finally found what I wanted to find, I immediately grabbed it and started chugging it.

sunghoon pov

The first thing I noticed when I came home was the smell of alcohol. Someone was drinking. I went towards the kitchen and saw Kasumi chugging alcohol.

I forgot how much of a lightweight she was.

"OoOHhhH! WelcoMe homEE SunGhoOniE~" she managed to say while hiccuping in between words. I immediately took the alcohol bottle away from her and held her shoulders. Looking directly at her in the eye.

"Why the hell are you drunk?" I asked worriedly, checking for bruises or cuts because of how drunk she was. "I wanted to ease the pain. I vomited like seven times today Hoonie!" She yelled happily like a drunk that was lost in a bar.

All of a sudden, she started crying, "Hey hey! Why are you crying?!" I started to panic, even though she is drunk I was really starting to worry.

"Sunghoon." She hiccuped. "I love you. I love you a lot. I love you very much. I never stopped."

My eyes softened, I then caressed her cheek softly, but I didn't understand why she was crying. "But of course, you love somebody else." She said, forcing a smile on her face while crying.

"No. No I don't." I immediately shot down what she just said. She just looked at me confused. "I still love you, Kasumi. But there are things I have to do first."

"Do you think we're soulmates?" She said innocently and cutely, "I'll give you my answer after I finish everything I have to do first." I smiled softly at her, she then gave me a big hug.

"You better finish fast!" She hiccuped, making me giggle slightly. I then felt heavy weight, "Damn, she's fast asleep."

I carried Kasumi all the way to her room and placed her on her bed. I looked at her snoring like a little kid. I couldn't help but giggle at the cute sight.

I went closer to her face and pecked her cheek, I then moved some strands of hair away from her face before leaving her room.

"Do you think we're soulmates?"

"I promise. I will give you my answer after all of this is over."

But how long will he take?

"Leave me alone."

thank you for reading this chapter ! dont forget to vote and commenting is up to you. i hope to see you in the next chapter -sumire:) <3

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