➳ chapter four

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sunghoon pov

Hana got mad at me once we got home yesterday. She didn't like how Kasumi and I were so "close." Not only that, she is aware I gave the penguin night light to Kasumi. I told her that Kasumi has a fear of the dark, but she wouldn't believe me.

Now here I am, the first lecture of the day has just finished and I am sitting on a bench waiting for my next lecture.

Not only that, I think Kasumi is ignoring me. We saw each other before the first lecture started, but she just zoomed right past me. She didn't even turn around. I'm guessing she is either catching onto Hana not wanting us to be "close," or she heard Hana get mad at me yesterday.

I looked at my phone, and immediately noticed the time, "Shit. It's time to go."

I got up and started walking, I started to get lost in my thoughts, wondering whether Hana likes Kasumi or not.


"Shit. I bumped into someone."

I looked down and noticed it was Kasumi, her eyes were slightly widened, but she immediately looked down and went past me, leaving me dumbfounded.

"She probably knows.." I muttered to myself. I sighed and then continued to walk.

This is definitely not what I wanted. It's been so long since I last saw her, I wanted to catch up. She seemed like she wanted to catch up too. But right now, that isn't going to happen anytime soon.

kasumi pov

All of my lectures and classes were done for the day. I was laying on the grass, admiring the sky above me.

I avoided talking to Sunghoon today. I had a sudden feeling that Hana does not want me to talk to Sunghoon whatsoever, and I was right. I accidentally heard their argument yesterday.

"Of course this is my fault." I muttered to myself. Sunghoon and Hana just moved in and there is already trouble in paradise, and it's all because of me.

I'm positive Sunghoon doesn't love me anymore and I'm positive that I don't love him anymore. But I'm also getting the sudden feeling that Sunghoon never told her we dated.

It's probably better off that way.

A head peaked into my vision, it was one of my friends. "Hi, Mee." I said happily while smiling. "Hey, Kasumi." she flashed a smile in response.

Yong Mee, one of my other best friends. She doesn't live with us, she lives in the dorms. She is really kind to my friends and I, and she is aware about Sunghoon and I.

She has only ever seen him around campus, while I didn't. I didn't even know Sunghoon attended the same university as me until he moved in with us.

Mee sat down next to me, while I was still laying down. "How are you and Sunghoon?" she asked curiously. "I'm avoiding him." I answered, still admiring the sky.

"Why are you ignoring him?" she sounded like she choked on her own saliva out of shock, "He has a girlfriend. She doesn't like me." I responded, I sounded sad about the situation. Well..I was.

"Oh yea..girlfriend.." Mee just remembered he has a girlfriend. "It's fine. It was nice while it lasted." I then stood up, preparing to go back home.

"I'm hungry. I'm going home now. Stay safe Mee." I waved goodbye and she did the same. I then made my way back home.

I opened the door and immediately noticed Sunghoon and Hana in front of me. Did I just interrupt a makeout session? Actually it was more of a makeout session that was about to start.

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