➳ chapter eleven

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three days later..the day of the funeral

sunghoon pov

"What are you doing?" Yeji called out to me. I turned around and tucked my hands into the pockets of my black coat. Yeji walked next to me and turned to look at the view in front of us, "It's nice." She said, admiring the gloomy yet beautiful view.

"How do you think Kasumi's doing?" I asked, letting the soft wind touch my face, blowing my bangs softly. "She's doing fine. Her siblings got her." Yeji responded, letting out a weak laugh and smile.

"And Mee?" I added, not turning to look at Yeji. I noticed in the corner of my eye, Yeji looked at me for a second, "She'll be fine." Yeji responded, but yet she sounded unsure of her own words.

I felt a sudden presence that started to make my heart ache, I turned to my right and widened my eyes. Yeji noticed, and looked at who I was looking at, "You have got to be fucking kidding me."

I left Yeji to go towards her, I stepped in front of her to prevent her from walking towards everybody else, "What are you doing here, Hana?"

"I'm just here to pay my respects, Sunghoon." Hana responded blankly, a small smirk forming on her face.

I wanted her to leave. She shouldn't even be here. My heart keeps aching, but not because I broke up with her, it's because of something else that I just can't put my finger on.

Hana then slowly changed her gaze from me to the group of people around me, she pushed me out of the way and I just looked at her, and just stood there, like an idiot.

third person pov

Before Hana could get to the group of people who were grieving, someone grabbed her arm, stopping her from walking.

"Let go of me, Yeji." Hana said blankly, she almost sounded like she was commanding her. "Hana, you need to leave." Yeji said furiously, Yeji's patience was thinning. She was this close to slapping, or punching the absolute crap out of Hana.

Yeji then turned Hana around, the two women looking directly at each other. Yeji tucked her hands into her pockets of her coat while Hana just crossed her arms. Both women looking at each other furiously, almost like they were in some kind of arena.

"Why the fuck are you here?" Yeji started the conversation, sounding angry, and her voice telling Hana that her patience was thinning. Hana just smirked at the girl, "I'm paying my respects."

"Bullshit." Yeji quickly responded to Hana's fake response, "You murdered her father, didn't you?" Yeji asked, or more of stated angrily.

"You have no proof that I did such a thing." Hana fired back furiously, the two women were really entering an arena type of atmosphere now. "So you did do it." Yeji stated, her eyes filled with anger, almost scaring the woman in front of her.

Hana just stood there, her arms still crossed, not saying a word.

"You had her father's driver's license, and you not speaking just tells me that you really did murder him." Yeji let out a small sarcastic laugh, "You're sick."

Hana was about to punch Yeji when Kasumi stopped her by the sound of her voice, "What's going on?" Kasumi asked innocently, but once Hana turned around and made eye contact with her, Kasumi suddenly felt scared, terrified, she felt the need to run far away.

Kasumi's eyes then fully turned gray, and she then collapsed onto her knees. Her head started to hurt, and she couldn't see clearly. The next thing she knew, everything was dark.

sunghoon pov

I just left the hospital room that Kasumi was in. I went towards the waiting room and saw Hana sitting down, crossing her legs, and she turned her head towards me, a smirk already formed on her face.

"What the fuck did you do to her?!" I yelled angrily, my heart still aching. My tone making Hana jump from her seat slightly, but she then stood up from her seat.

Hana just looked at me like a psychotic person. She let out a small psychotic laugh and looked at me with a small smirk, "I'll never tell you."

And with that, she pushed me out of the way and left the hospital. Leaving me there, holding in my tears, holding in my emotions.

That was the last thing she said to me that day.

But those words made me wonder, what did she mean?

kasumi pov

"I'm fine Yuna." I reassured my worried best friend for what felt like the 1000th time in the past minute. I let out a small laugh to help her, but I think I made it worse.

All of my friends were worried about me. The moment I saw Hana, I didn't have the will to stand up, I didn't have the will to move.

I'm terrified of her. Whatever she did to me, it's now really effecting me. I didn't even know that my current situation could possibly get worse.

Hana must really want me dead if it got this bad.

It's like i'm Superman, but she's my kryptonite.

We all shot our head up to the sound of the door opening. Sunghoon came in and sat next to me, "Are you okay?" I asked him, tilting my head slightly to get a better look of his face, or mole.

"I should be asking you that." Sunghoon let out a small chuckle, making me chuckle with him. "I'm fine, Kasumi." He answered, gazing at me lovingly. I couldn't help but think, why is he looking at me that way?

"Then I'm fine too." I said, letting out a small smile. Sunghoon put his arm around me and gently moved my head, my head laying on his shoulder. His arm around me to prevent me from falling back.

All of our friends didn't even notice because they were too busy talking about Hana, and how the hell Hana even got to the funeral.

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Without anybody knowing, not even Kasumi, the mention of Hana's name made Kasumi's eyes turn gray.

Kasumi couldn't help but wonder, will Sunghoon figure out that she is his soulmate before her death date?

Sunghoon couldn't help but wonder, why is Hana doing this? Is Kasumi his own soulmate?

Kasumi didn't mind dying, but what will happen to the people around her? What will happen if she does die? What will Yuna, Yeji, Jay, Jake, Hajime, Beomgyu, and Minnie feel?

What will Sunghoon feel?

After awhile, all of Kasumi's friends and family have left, except for Sunghoon.

Kasumi didn't know why she felt the sudden feeling to tell Sunghoon everything. But she thought it will be a good thing if she told him.

So he can prepare himself.

"Sunghoon." The girl called out, not looking at him to spare the both of them the pain of looking at each other. Sunghoon just hummed in response, waiting patiently for her to speak.

"I'm going to die soon."


thank you for reading this chapter ! dont forget to vote and commenting is up to you. i hope to see you in the next chapter -sumire:) <3

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