➳ chapter twenty-one

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third person pov

Sunghoon see's an unconscious Kasumi being taken out of the ER. His heart dropped, and he quickly ran over to her and held her hand.

"Sir, please let go of her." One of the nurses instructed him, as she did not want Sunghoon injuring himself since they were moving. Sunghoon let go of Kasumi's hand and walked with them, "Is she okay?" He asked, desperately and impatiently waiting for an answer from the nurse.

The rest of the doctors and nurses took Kasumi back into her room, and the Nurse that Sunghoon was talking to prevented Sunghoon from going inside.

"She's completely fine, sir. Her condition just suddenly went unstable and we quickly checked on her. She is all good now." The nurse reassured the now relieved boy of all of his worries and anxiety. Sunghoon put his back up against the wall and let out a big sigh, "When am I allowed to visit her?"

"Once the doctors and nurses leave her room. She just needs to be checked one last time." The nurse told Sunghoon, Sunghoon bowed out of thanks, and the nurse bowed back and left the hallway.

Sunghoon took out his phone and started texting Jay.


park sunghoon
im gonna be here for awhile. how are yuna and yeji?

park jay
theyre both knocked out on the coach. what about you? how is kasumi?

park sunghoon
her condition suddenly went unstable and she had to be taken to the er. but she is stable and fine now.

park jay
damn, that's scary. did they tell you what it was?

park sunghoon
nope. all they said was that her condition went unstable.
im going to ask the doctors once they leave her room. im not allowed inside her room yet.

park jay
ah okay. do you want me to pick you up later or are you gonna take the bus?

park sunghoon
im just gonna take the bus. you and the others should get some rest.

park jay
okay then.
good night hoonie~

park sunghoon
good night angry bird~

The moment Sunghoon turned off his phone, the doctors and nurses had just left Kasumi's room. "Um, sir? Is it okay if I talk to you?" One of the doctors called out to Sunghoon, who was already looking at them.

Sunghoon put his phone in his pocket and patiently waited for the doctor to speak.

"Sir, if I'm being completely honest, we have no idea as to why Kasumi's condition suddenly went unstable. We assumed it had something to do with her blood pressure or her heart rate, but those were all fine."

"Not only that, we actually had to check her eyes since her eyes were gray when she was first checked in, but they suddenly turned back to her original black color in the ER."

"I'm not saying the unstable condition was because of that. But it is a little bit strange her condition changed to stable once her eyes turned back to normal. Do you know how she got those gray eyes?"

Sunghoon shook his head in response. He had absolutely no idea as to why and how her eyes turned gray. They were black when they first met, they were black and dark brown when they met again, and gray before she went into a coma.

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