➳ chapter nineteen

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kasumi pov
» time : 23:50 «

Hana shoved me into a car. I'm blindfolded and my hands are tied with a rope. The space in the car that we are in is extremely cramped. I can barely move.

I didn't dare to ask where we were going. I feel like if I asked it would just piss her off even more.

Not only that, it happened again. Once I saw Hana, I felt weak. I couldn't move. I couldn't feel anything. Stupid curse.

The car suddenly stopped. I heard the car turn off and a car door open and another door close. Hana pulled me out of the car and untied the rope that tied my hands, but I am still blindfolded. She grabbed my hands aggressively and started dragging me to who knows where.

I could still barely feel anything, but I could tell that we were going up a bunch of staircases. After about a minute, I heard a door open, the cold wind from outside blowing softly on both of our faces.

Hana pushed me outside and closed the door. I fell onto my knees since I still can't feel anything. Hana took off my blindfold, and threw it somewhere. I looked around nervously and widened my eyes when I realized where we were.

We were at the rooftop of a building.

I was still on the floor, and I looked at Hana, I was terrified. Hana bent down and grabbed my collar, "You don't have that much time left." She smirked deadly at me.

"What do you want?" I asked nervously, clearly shaken by where we are. "I want you to die." She answered blankly, letting go of my collar aggressively before looking towards the edge.

"It's a pretty long fall." She smiled deadly at the sight below. I had no idea how high up we were. But either way, there is no way I am surviving this fall.

Hana looked at the time on her phone and smiled at it, "23:55." She turned off her phone and tossed it to the side, stepping closer to me. I'm completely helpless, I can't even defend myself let alone move my body.

"I told you, you're going to spend your last moments with me."

sunghoon pov
» time : 23:52 «

Before I could run out of the apartment, a sudden pain on my chest just came out of nowhere. I held my chest and all my friends looked at me out of worry. I started coughing and Jake just stared into my orbs.

"You're e-eyes. They keep turning gray and dark brown-" Jake stuttered, his words slightly freaking me out. Are my eyes malfunctioning like I'm some kind of robot?

Yuna and Jay ran to the kitchen and came back with water. I took the water and chugged it down. I placed the cup on the coffee table. I could still feel the pain, but it was much more bearable.

"Sunghoon..are you going to be okay?" Beomgyu asked worriedly while placing his letter on the table. The answer is an obvious answer.


No I'm not going to be okay. I have this stupid pain that came out of nowhere, and how the hell am I going to find Kasumi in this state?

She's going to die in eight minutes, and I'm stuck here with stupid chest pain.

"I'm going to go find her." I forced my weak body to stand up, but I ended up toppling back onto the couch.

If I have to crawl there then I will crawl there.


Kasumi, why? You didn't have to write that letter...

to : sunghoon

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