➳ chapter twenty

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sunghoon pov

"Happy birthday to you~" The yells of my loud friends got louder. I heard the door open and I covered my ears with my pillow.

Someone got up on my bed and started jumping, removing the pillow away from my ears just to see all of my friends bright smiles.

"Wakey Wakey Sunghoonie!" Hajime yelled in the microphone he was holding, Yeji then threw confetti all over my room happily. I lazily stood up and smiled lazily. Jay holding my cake carefully while walking towards me.

I blew the candles and everybody started celebrating. Cheering very loudly, it almost made my ears bleed.

Jake kept jumping on the bed with a little party hat on his head. Yuna jumped on the bed and started jumping with him, holding his hand while throwing confetti everywhere. The two were smiling so bright that it made me smile a little.

"Get out my room so I can change." I laughed, everybody quickly scrambled and left my room. I closed my door and started getting changed. They said we can go anywhere I want to go today.

After I got changed, I stepped outside of my door and noticed a bunch of presents that they bought for me on the coffee table.

I smiled slightly and saw Yuna and Jake waiting for me next to the front door.

Yuna was holding a small box, she walked over to me and held it out, "Open it." She said with a smile on her face. Jake came up behind her and wrapped his arm around her with a smile on his face.

I took the box and opened it. She gave me a clear phone case and a polaroid photo that she took of Kasumi and I back in high school.

I slowly looked up and smiled, trying to hold in my tears of joy. I gave Jake and Yuna a big bear hug before changing my phone case.

I put the polaroid photo in my clear phone case and put the phone case on my phone. I smiled at the new change and put my phone back into my pocket.

"Alright, let's go!" Jake exclaimed happily, "Gaur~" Yuna imitated Jake's accent and stuck her tongue out at him playfully. The three of us made our way outside and into the car.

All of us got inside the car. I buckled up and Jay suddenly spoke, "Where you want to go first Hoonie?" He asked curiously while checking the mirrors.

I wanted to visit Kasumi, but it wasn't 12:00 yet. Actually, it's been awhile since all of us last visited this other person. Maybe we should visit her to see if she's improving or not.

"Let's visit Hana."

My words made everybody choke, they all turned to me with a "What the fuck did you just say?" kind of look.

"Hear me out. We're only visiting to check if she's improving, which she is probably not but might as well check. Besides, it's not 12:00 yet."

All of them nodded, I think they agreed..or maybe not. Jay finished checking his mirrors and started driving.

third person pov

"Hana was moved here?" Yeji asked, clearly shocked by the place they were currently standing in front of. "She was in a mental hospital awhile, but they moved her to this prison recently." Hajime answered, preparing himself to enter the building.

"Let's go inside. We don't have all day." Jay spoke, he was annoyed just by being here. But it doesn't hurt to check if Hana has changed or not, even after all these years.

How did Hana get here exactly? Well that's simple, she was caught. The police arrived at the scene before she could run away, so she was arrested and put on trial. Not only that, there was footage found of Hana and Kasumi's father of the day he was murdered. And Sunghoon turned in the recording of him and Hana when they were at the cafe, the one where she admits she killed his mother.

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