➳ chapter twelve

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third person pov

"W-What?" The boy stuttered. His emotions mixed, his heart slowly breaking apart, his voice breaking. His eyes asking the girl, "Why? Why are you going to die?"

Kasumi bit her bottom lip slightly, not knowing how to help the boy who is on the verge of tears. She slowly lifted her hand, and gently cupped his cheek, "I'm sick, Sunghoon." She said softly, yet weakly.

Sunghoon's eyes slowly watered, slightly blurring his vision. His lips trembling because of the pain he was feeling. The pain of losing someone. The pain of losing her.

"When?" He managed to ask, his voice breaking, his lips still trembling. He gulped to try and contain himself from breaking down right there.

Kasumi's eyes softened, but not in a good way. She stared right into his eyes, slightly frowning at the sight she was witnessing, "I don't know." Was the only thing she could say.

She knew she couldn't give him a date, or a time. All she could say was "I don't know."

The reason? If she told him a date or a time, Sunghoon will then become a mad man. Looking for a way to keep her alive somehow. Kasumi didn't want that for Sunghoon, she didn't want to see him slowly breaking himself apart.

"I'm sorry." Kasumi said while slowly moving her hand away from his cheeks, "I'm really sorry."

"It's your eyes, and the throwing up, right?" Sunghoon said blankly, Kasumi's heart slightly jumped by his sudden words. But she couldn't lie to him. She just nodded at him in response.

The two then just sat there in silence.

Kasumi thought, if she told Sunghoon, maybe, just maybe, he could save her. Not because she doesn't want to die, but to spare the pain of lost for the people around her.

She didn't want anybody to go through pain because she died.

Sunghoon's mind was clouded with thoughts. He didn't and never expected to lose her so quickly.

But the real question to him is when? When is she going to die?

When is she going to leave him for good?

sunghoon pov

"Arcade?" Kasumi asked, sounding a little bit shocked but also a little bit taken aback by the place we were standing in front of right now.

I didn't want to go to the arcade alone today, so I asked Kasumi. I also thought this would be good for her in some way. Maybe it could help ease her mind.

Without me even knowing, Kasumi had already walked inside the arcade, leaving me outside, standing alone like an idiot.

I let out a sigh and chuckled to myself. Walking into the arcade and trying to find Kasumi.

"Street fighter? Really?" I smiled at Kasumi, who was focusing on her match. I should've known she would be glued to this game the moment we got here. She grew up with this game, of course she would go here first.

I sat beside her to watch her play. I don't really know how to play this kind of game. I didn't really grow up around arcade games. I grew up around the ice rink instead. I guess the ice rink was my arcade.

Kasumi played for what felt like centuries. She just kept playing and playing. I wasn't focused on the game anymore. I was more focused on her cute face whenever she was playing games that she generally enjoys, especially her childhood.

She kept smiling everytime she did combos, everytime she lost, everytime she won, she even smiled at the character select screen.

"Sunghoon?" She called out to me, tilting her head slightly at me.


I just let out a awkward chuckle and stood up, "You wanna try the other games?" I quickly said, trying to cover up the fact that I was literally admiring her features while she was playing. I was even admiring her cute little smile.

Kasumi just let out a small chuckle and nodded at me. We then both went to the other side of the arcade to try the other games.

kasumi pov

Sunghoon and I had just wrapped up our little arcade date, or hangout thing. We were both just walking on the sidewalk, looking at the sky, the sun was about to go down soon.

It was a comforting silence between the two of us. We were still walking, but we weren't really talking to each other. I wouldn't mind if we talked, but I guess two introverts together is sometimes not a very good idea.

We talked a lot at the arcade though. The one thing that kept replaying in my head was when we were playing that little penguin game.

His little smile, his little dimples that showed up, and his flustered face. It kept replaying, and I couldn't help but chuckle quietly at myself.

Of course, I had to chuckle quietly, if I didn't, Sunghoon would start asking why I was laughing. Why the hell would I tell him that I was laughing because of his stupid little smile, his stupid little dimples, and his stupid little pout? Why the hell would I tell him that?

I was thinking too much about his stupid little things when I was suddenly pulled by my arm, pulling me aside. I looked to see who it was and it was Sunghoon. It almost felt like he was yanking my arm.

"You almost walked onto the road." Sunghoon answered my question before I could even ask it. I then switched my gaze onto the busy road and sighed. I gently got out of his grip, "Thanks." I said shyly, then quickly turning away and continued walking. Sunghoon not far behind me.

After a couple of minutes, I stopped in my tracks. Sunghoon bumping into me slightly from behind.

A familiar figure running towards us, and the moment he got to us, he collapsed, holding onto me like a lost child.

"Saeran?!" Sunghoon and I said in sync, clearly in shock and a little bit horrified by the look on his face.

"Hey! What happened?!" I went on my knees and hugged him to comfort him. He was shaking, and he was trying to calm himself down.

"I-It's Yerin and.." Saeran stuttered, his voice slightly muffled because his face was stuffed into my shoulder. "And who?" Sunghoon asked, bending down and softly putting his hand on Saeran's head.

He then moved his head up from my shoulder, looking at Sunghoon directly in the eyes,


"Tell me everything."

thank you for reading this chapter ! dont forget to vote and commenting is up to you. i hope to see you in the next chapter -sumire:) <3

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