➳ chapter sixteen

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sunghoon pov

It's already 14:03 (2:03pm), Hana and I haven't spoken a word to each other. I keep giving her death glares and she keeps smirking.

I let out a frustrated sigh and opened my mouth, "What the fuck do you want?" I asked, wanting to get out of this place as soon as possible.

"I killed your mother." She replied, my eyes widening while her smirk just got bigger. Is she the Joker from Batman or am I imagining things?

"You fucking psycho! Why?!" I yelled, slamming the table with my fist. I was trying to hold in my tears, I was upset, angry, heartbroken, but I also felt closure. But a part of me knew that she was the one that killed her.
(a/n : theyre sitting outside the cafe)

"Isn't it obvious?" Hana smirked slightly. "No. It isn't obvious." I fired back, rolling my eyes at her and crossing my arms.

Hana just sighed out of disappointment, did she want me to know? "Kasumi." She answered, but she sounded like she was disgusted with herself for saying that name.

"So you're saying that you're doing this all because of Kasumi? What are you trying to do to her?" I asked desperately. I know that Hana dislikes Kasumi, but does she hate her?

Hana's expression then dropped. Instead of smirking, she gave me a deadly look, "You're really fucking oblivious." She answered harshly, her tone was clearly telling me she didn't like talking about Kasumi.

From her looks, I think I got the message she was trying to send, "Nevermind, I got the message." I stood up and put on my coat, leaving that place as fast as possible.

I tucked my hands into the pockets of my coat and started walking in the busy sidewalk. It really has been awhile since I last went out. I kind of missed the busy sidewalks.

I took my phone out of my pocket and noticed I had been recording the whole conversation. Now I have evidence, but I don't want to turn it in yet. I want her to confess about Kasumi's father's murder too.

After walking for a little while, a small shop caught my eye. I decided to enter inside the shop to check it out. It had some snacks and drinks and to be honest, I was craving for some of it. I didn't eat at the cafe.

"Sunghoon?" A familiar voice called out to me, I turned slightly and saw Jake and Yuna together. My jaw dropped slightly at the unexpected pair.

"You went out?" Yuna asked, a smile forming on her face and jumping slightly out of excitement. A small smile formed on my lips and I let out a small chuckle, "I went to a cafe. Hana invited me and I wanted to see what was up."

Yuna's smile faded and she just raised an eyebrow at me. I sighed and opened my mouth, "I don't like her. It was just something about Kasumi." I quietly said the last part. But I think they heard me.

I don't know why, but my heart hurt everytime I mentioned Kasumi, or even heard her name. I mean, I do miss her. I miss her a lot. But we still haven't been able to find her.

"You want to buy anything?" Jake asked happily, trying to brighten up the mood. "I can buy it for myself." I answered, quickly checking my pocket for my wallet.


Jake just sighed and laughed like an dad, "You forgot your wallet, didn't you?" I gave him an awkward smile in response. He came up to me and put his arm on my shoulder, "It's okay, I'll buy it for you."

I took a glance at Yuna and she nodded her head with a smile. She wanted me to say yes since I'm clearly hungry. "Okay..fine." I answered, Jake's smile widened and Yuna jumping up and down in excitement.

This really is an unexpected pair. If they like each other, how come I didn't know anything about this?
(a/n : im not shipping the idols irl. remember : fiction !)

I just shrugged the thought off and grabbed the food and drinks I wanted. Jake and Yuna paid for their things and my things and we then went outside. The store had a small porch with tables and chairs so we decided to eat there.

"Care to explain the unexpected pairing?" I asked while stuffing food in my mouth. Jake and Yuna laughing at my actions. But then the two realized what I said, and they both started blushing.

I swallowed my food and took a sip of my drink, "Oh! So there is something going on!" Yuna turned away while Jake just started waving his hands everywhere while talking..or stuttering, "W-What? W-What are y-you t-talking about?! There is n-nothing! Haha.."

I pursed my lips, trying to hold in my laughter, "Sure~" I answered teasingly, Yuna turned back around and started eating her food again. Jake took out his phone and started texting someone. After he turned off his phone, I felt my phone started buzzing. I turned it on and checked what it was.


shim jake
i'll explain later >:C

I turned off my phone and looked at Jake, giving him a small smile before going back to my food.

After a couple of minutes, we had finally finished our food. We already dumped everything into the trash and we were preparing to leave.

"Sunghoon, we're going to help Jay go shopping. You want to join?" Jake asked. I might as well, I haven't been out in awhile, "Sure. I'll go."

"Woah..Sunghoon?!" Jay's jaw dropped out of shock that I was here. I just waved awkwardly while Jay's lips slowly formed into a smile.

Jay quickly grabbed my hand and dragged me inside the shoe store. Jake and Yuna laughing, but not far behind.

This shoe store is probably the biggest shoe store I have ever seen in my life. We've been looking at nothing other than shoes for who knows how long.

"Guys?" A familiar voice called out to the four of us, we all turned our heads in sync and saw Hajime. "Hajime?!" The four of us exclaimed out of shock in sync.

"Wow..we're just finding everybody today." Jake said, a little bit surprised by the sudden appearance of Hajime. "What are you doing here, Hajime?" Jay asked the boy curiously.

"I thought the place looked cool." Hajime answered nonchalantly. His answer making us sigh and nod our heads, "That's our Hajime."

"Wanna join us?" Yuna asked Hajime, Hajime nodded his head in response. He was clearly bored and wanted some socialization.

"I was with Yeji earlier, but she had work." Hajime said out of the blue. The last part caught me off guard, "Work? Yeji works?" I asked, clearly confused by what he just said.

"You really haven't been out.." Jay sighed, and Jake opened his mouth, "Yea..she works now. She thought extra money wouldn't hurt."

I just nodded and continued to look at the shoes Jay wanted me to look at.

We finished getting all the shoes Jay wanted. I gave the bag I was holding to Jake to hold, "You're not coming back to the apartment with us?" Hajime asked, confused as to why I gave Jake the bag.

I just shook my head, "I want to stay out for a little longer." All of them nodded their heads and smiled at me in response, "We'll see you later!" Jake yelled happily while all of them were walking away.

I smiled and waved back before turning the opposite direction. Tucking my hands in my pockets while walking.

After walking for some time, I noticed the sun was going to go down soon. I took that as my signal to start walking back to the apartment. I turned around but ended up bumping into somebody.

"Oh! I'm so-" My voice slowly going quiet when I noticed who I bumped into, "sorry.." I finally said, but quietly. Her eyes widened and she started running.

"Kasumi, wait!" I yelled before chasing after her.

"Kasumi slow down!"

"Please, talk to me."

thank you for reading this chapter ! dont forget to vote and commenting is up to you. i hope to see you in the next chapter -sumire:) <3

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