➳ chapter fourteen

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sunghoon pov

"Hana!" I yelled, making Hana let go of an unconscious Yerin's collar. "What the fuck are you doing?!"

"I'm doing this for you." Hana answered my question, letting out small psychotic chuckles that should've scared me but really didn't.

I rolled my eyes and glanced at Yerin. Who was unconscious on the floor. I saw dry tears on her cheeks, her eyes were puffy, and her palms were slightly sweaty. I don't know if I'm right or not, but this kind of reminds me of Kasumi when her anxiety starts showing. Did Yerin experience the same thing just now?

"Give me Yerin." I asked furiously, Hana just rolled her eyes and grabbed Yerin's collar. I slapped Hana's hand away, resulting her in letting go of her collar. I then picked Yerin up.

"You're a fucking psycho." I cursed at her. I really wish I could just slap the shit out of her but right now my hands are full. Hana just smirked at me, "I'm a psycho for you."

Her words making me want to throw up my guts. Or I could just get rid of my ears, and eyes, and my guts.

I then left, rushing to the hospital to help Yerin.

kasumi pov

I saw Sunghoon running out of an alley with an unconscious Yerin in his arms. I peaked inside the alley and saw nobody other than Hana just standing there.

My head started to hurt, my stomach started to hurt, and my eyes turned gray. I then collapsed onto my knees and slowly saw Hana walking towards me.

She grabbed my collar, lifting me up, her face in front of mine.

"In case you haven't noticed, you can't do anything to me." Hana whispered, her smirk forming, and her eyes telling me just wants me dead.

She's right. This is the second time this has happened. Why does this happen everytime I look at Hana? Not only that, just hearing Hana's name turns my eyes slightly gray.

What the actual fuck is happening to me?

She then dropped me onto the ground, leaving me there. A couple seconds later, I suddenly felt better. It means she left.

I slowly stood up and looked at the direction Sunghoon went. I took my phone out of my pocket and opened my messages.


choi kasumi
hospital. now.

choi beomgyu
wait. what's happening?

choi kasumi

choi beomgyu
we're on our way.

I turned off my phone off and put it back into my pocket. Running towards the direction Sunghoon went.

I made it to the hospital but didn't go inside. I just stood out there, wondering what I should do.

I sighed and took my phone out of my pocket again and opening my messages.


choi kasumi
sunghoon, room number?

park sunghoon
wait, how the fuck do you know about yerin?

choi kasumi
i saw you. now give me the room number.

park sunghoon
okayokay. room 125.

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