➳ alternate ending

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a/n : hey guise ! so if youve read the notes, ive said that this story was supposed to have a different ending, but i changed it. the "real ending" is the one titled 'epilogue,' and the "original ending" is this one which is titled 'alternate ending.' i wanted to write the original ending and publish it since idk i was bored lMFAOFNDK. also, i think im going to unpublish this story soon cuz..i read the entire story recently and i am not happy with the plot or the story itself. i rushed it ofc. and i am planning to publish another park sunghoon story anyways so it can replace this one. anyways i hope you guys are doing well and enjoy this chapter <3


The sun rays shined through the apartment window, the light hitting his eyes and forcing himself to wake up. He slowly opened his eyes and slowly sat up, rubbing his eyes softly. Once he finished rubbing his eyes, he noticed his bedside completely empty.

"Kasumi?" The now awake man, who is named Park Sunghoon, called out to his girlfriend. Sunghoon slowly sat up and opened his bedroom door, peeking his head out to look down the hallway.

His friends were still asleep, or at least he thought they were. He heard one of them cooking breakfast. He stepped out of room and dragged himself all the way to the kitchen, sitting on one of the stools while waiting for Jay to serve his breakfast.

"Hey, Jay. Do you know where Kasumi went?" Sunghoon asked while his breakfast was being served. He noticed Jay gave him a weird look, as if Sunghoon was acting strange. But the question is, was Sunghoon acting strange or was Jay acting strange?

"What?" Sunghoon asked clearly confused. Jay let out a sigh, "What and who are you talking about?"

"What do you mean?" Sunghoon, completely confused and shocked by Jay's response, dropped his fork onto the plate by complete accident. Jay's weird look turned into concern, since his friend is clearly talking about somebody he has never even talked to.

"Sunghoon, there is nobody named Kasumi that we know. Are you okay? Did you dream a little bit too much?" Jay asked while checking Sunghoon's forehead. That's when it hit him.

The entire time. Kasumi was never real. She was just a figment of his imagination and he dreamed of everything that they have been through. That curse never existed. She never existed. She isn't real.

He was in love with somebody who was only from his imagination.

the end

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