➳ chapter thirteen

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third person pov

"Hana?!" Kasumi said, her voice shaking. Her eyes turning slightly gray. Still holding Saeran in her arms. "What is happening with Hana?"

Saeran then looked at Kasumi, his tears slowly dropping. "I think she's trying to kill her."

Kasumi and Sunghoon looked at each other and acted quickly. Sunghoon started running towards the direction Saeran came from, and Kasumi took Saeran's hand and started running the opposite direction, towards Beomgyu's apartment.

at the apartment
kasumi pov

Jake and Yuna are currently taking care of Mee and Saeran. I was sitting at the dining table, lost in my thoughts.

I slowly remembered about what I read about my eyes. Hana wants to hurt me. She wants to kill me.

Everything that she is doing, the end result always has me mixed into it.

I always knew something was off about Hana. But the only thing on my mind is why is she going after the people around me? The people I care about? What do they have to do with killing me?

She even ended up murdering my own..father..but why?

The sound of someone pulling the chair and sitting down next to me snapped me back into reality. I turned slightly to see who it was, and it was Hajime.

"Mee and Saeran. They want to talk to you."

I nodded at him in response and got up from my seat. Walking towards Beomgyu's room. I knocked on the door and opened it, being welcomed by the sight of Mee and Saeran talking to Jake and Yuna.

Once they saw I was the one who opened the door, Yuna got up and gave me a worried look. I just nodded at her and she left the room. I then sat myself down next to Jake.

"Tell me everything." I asked, my voice in a soft tone. They seemed a little bit more relaxed now after hearing my tone of voice.

Mee opened her mouth slightly, she was going to talk first, "I think she's after you, Kasumi." Her voice was shaking, Jake took her hand and holding it gently, comforting her and telling her to continue.

"She's hurting everyone around you to just get to you. And she also..your father." Mee lowered her volume when she spoke the last part, but I heard her. I gave her a small warm smile, "It's okay. You can say it."

"Your father and..she hurt me, she hurt Saeran, she hurt Yerin, who's next?" Her voice, slowly breaking. Her hands slightly trembling because of how terrified she was.

"That day, when we were in the alley. She told me that if I don't tell her where the apartment was, she would.." She seemed hesitant to continue her sentence. Jake glanced at me worriedly, I just let out a big sigh and opened my mouth slightly, "Continue. It's okay."

Mee just nodded slowly in response, "She was going to murder somebody else. Somebody that a certain someone holds precious."

Somebody that a certain someone holds precious?

"Why is that?" I asked, a little bit confused.

"I think it's because if this precious person is gone, the certain someone will probably snap. Hurting you in some way." Mee explained, she sounded sure, but she also sounded scared.

Right now, my guess is that Hana is doing all of this because it hurts me in some kind of way. But who is the certain someone? Who is the precious person?

But now that Mee is here, she never told Hana the apartment's address. So something is bound to happen to this precious person.

I glanced at Jake and he then took Mee's hand gently, helping her stand up. The two then left the room and Yuna came in a couple seconds after they left. She took a seat next to me and now it was Saeran's turn.

"What happened back there?" I asked, looking at Saeran, who looked like he was going to break down any second now. His lips trembling, and he was playing with his fingers like he was scared. Yuna then got up and sat next to him, holding his hand gently to help him calm down.

Saeran let out a big sigh as a way to help him calm himself down, "Hana pushed Yerin into a huge crowd of people. Yerin started panicking and curled up into a little ball in the middle of the crowd and started breaking down. I found her, but the moment I did, Hana took her by the collar and dragged her off. I completely lost them. I had no idea where they went. That's when I saw you and Sunghoon."

"She used Yerin's anxiety to her advantage, didn't she." Yuna asked, taken aback by the act. Just by hearing Saeran's words, I knew exactly how Yerin felt in that moment. She was lost, she started panicking, she felt like throwing up, and she couldn't help but curl up into a ball to try and protect herself.

Just the thought of Yerin in that moment, made me want to throw up. It made me want to cry for her.

I nodded at Saeran and mouthed "thank you." I left the room and signaled Jake and Mee to go back inside the room.

I made my way into the living room and saw Beomgyu and Minnie sitting on the couch. I sat myself down next to them.

"She really wants to murder me." I broke the silence between the three of us. Staring at nothing but the TV that wasn't even turned on. My words sent little shivers down my siblings' spines. Not knowing why I said that out of the blue.

"Take care of the others. I'm going out." I said while standing up, grabbing my coat and throwing it on.

"Wait where are you going?" Beomgyu ad Minnie asked while I was putting on my boots. Once I finished tying them I looked at them straight in the eye while holding the doorknob.

"I'm going to go look for Hana."

"I'm doing this for you."

thank you for reading this chapter ! dont forget to vote and commenting is up to you. i hope to see you in the next chapter -sumire:) <3

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