➳ chapter five

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kasumi pov

I had just finished all of my lectures for the day and I have just arrived home.

I've been craving a snack, specifically chocolate ice cream for about one or two hours. I went into the kitchen to go make myself a cone, but something, or more of two people, caught me off guard.

It was Sunghoon and Hana, from the looks of it, they were chatting. But that wasn't what really caught me off guard.

"Hi Kasumi~" Hana forced herself to flash a smile at me, Sunghoon looked at me once, but quickly turned away.

But that doesn't mean I didn't notice it.

I forced myself to let out a smile, "Your eyes.."

"Congratulations!" I forced myself to say. Their eyes changed back to normal, back to their original color.

Don't get me wrong, I was genuinely happy for them, but I could feel something was wrong with the atmosphere, it made me uncomfortable.

Hana noticed Sunghoon wasn't looking at me, she forced him to turn around and look at me directly in the eyes. Both of his dark brown orbs staring into mine, my right dark brown eye, and my left black eye.

I could see guilt and confusion in his eyes. He didn't understand what was happening.

I couldn't understand him.

"I'll be grabbing my ice cream and leaving." I let out a small awkward laugh, quickly grabbing my ice cream and leaving, rushing to my room.

I closed my door and locked it, staring at myself in the mirror while eating my ice cream.

Something didn't feel right. I feel happy, but why do I feel broken? I feel like something has just been taken away from me.

Why do I feel like a bond, a bond I had with someone, has just been forcefully ripped apart?

I finished my ice cream, and immediately noticed my eyes started turning a little bit gray. Like they were empty.

I then felt something in my stomach, I felt nauseous, I needed to throw up. I quickly unlocked my door and rushed into the hallway, finding the bathroom and kicking it open.

I started throwing up in the toilet, I felt dizzy and I felt like my guts were about to come out of my own mouth.

Once I finished throwing up, I wiped my face with the towel and turned back to my vomit in the toilet. I noticed there was some blood and I started panicking internally.

I flushed the toilet and went to the mirror, looking into my eyes, they were still gray, and they were still empty. But then, they slowly changed back, they changed back to the dark brown and black color.

"What the hell is happening with me?" I whispered to myself, my heart was aching, it felt like it had just been forcefully ripped out of me. Not only that, this feeling of a bond that was taken away, what is this feeling?

"Kasumi?" a voice called out to me, I turned around to see Sunghoon standing not far from me. Concern filled his eyes.

"Are you okay?" He asked, his voice was shaking a little bit. That told me he knew something was wrong with me.

Before I could answer his question, I felt nauseous once again, I went back to the toilet and fell onto my knees, throwing up once again.

This time, it felt like my guts and my soul were about to come out.

Sunghoon quickly got on his knees next to me, holding my hair up to prevent it from going in front of my face. I could tell just by his presence, he was worried about me.

Once I finished throwing up, I felt weak, but pushed myself to flush the toilet. I could barely feel my own body. Sunghoon wiped my face with a towel for me.

"We need to get you to a doct-"

"No." I interrupted him. He looked at my pale face, he looked like he was about to cry, "I'm fine, Sunghoon." I said, my voice sounding weak and soft.

Sunghoon then picked me up, carrying me to my room, placing me on my bed.

The moment he did, I was already knocked out, I was fast asleep.

sunghoon pov

I closed the door behind me and entered my room, looking at the mirror in front of me.

My eyes had turned back to normal, so did Hana's. But something didn't seem right.

I didn't feel like she was my soulmate. I didn't even go soul searching. I didn't go deep into my feelings.

My heart ached, I felt like I had just been ripped away from something. Something that I held dear, but never knew until now.

I didn't know how much that thing..or bond meant to me until I was forcefully ripped away from it.

I want it back, I want that bond back, I want everything back.

I saw Kasumi throwing up in the bathroom, it tore me apart. Even from a distance, I could tell she was in so much pain. Not only that, she had gray eyes for a couple of seconds.

They looked so empty.

When she threw up the second time and I was there, I noticed she even threw up blood. Something wasn't right, this isn't normal.

When I touched Kasumi to help her, my heart felt like it had just been put back together, the one thing that I was taken away from, I felt like I had it back.

But the moment I pulled away, the feeling disappeared.

I thought I didn't love her anymore. But I wouldn't be surprised if I was wrong. Feelings are mysterious.

"Sunghoon, are you going to bed?" A voice asked, I turned around and saw Hana entering the room.

When I looked at her, I felt resentment and betrayal. Those feelings, told me something, that I have to pay attention to Hana from now on.

Not for the reasons she wants though.

"Yea. I'm going to bed." I replied blankly, crawling into the bed and trying to force myself to fall asleep.

I then felt slim arms slowly put around me, it made me feel disgusted. I knew it was Hana, so I rolled out of her embrace, trying to make it seem like I was asleep.

"My feelings for you, were they even real?"

"One month."

thank you for reading this chapter ! dont forget to vote and commenting is up to you. i hope to see you in the next chapter -sumire:) <3

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