➳ chapter eighteen

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a couple days later
third person pov

Kasumi put on her coat and turned on her phone. Checking the time and date of the day.

"It's today." She mumbled to herself calmly. Letting out a sigh before tucking her phone into her pocket.

Today was the day.

It's currently 17:54 (5:54pm). The moment it hits 00:00 (12:00am), Kasumi will die.

Kasumi walked over to the mirror and looked at her eyes. They were gray and empty. They had no color, and no life to them. She was a little bit satisfied with the fact she had a unique look for awhile.

She grabbed her hand bag and opened it, placing all the letters she will be sending today inside the bag before closing it. She put her hand bag on her shoulder and walked out the bedroom door.

"I'm going out." Kasumi said while placing an envelope on the table with "Open at 23:55 today." written on it, waving goodbye to her auntie who had just flashed a smile. A smile that Kasumi will dearly miss.

Kasumi looked at the gloomy yet calming atmosphere around her. A lips formed a small smile, but it quickly faded once she started thinking about her friends, her family, and Sunghoon.

She shrugged those thoughts off, and made her way to the nearest bus stop.

First, the place Kasumi wanted to visit was her university. She made her way to Mee's dorm and knocked on the door. She waited for a couple of seconds before the door opened, revealing a very sleepy Mee.

"Hi Mee." Kasumi waved with a smile on her face. Mee's eyes widened and she jumped slightly at the sight she was seeing. She was fully awake now because of the sudden shock.

"Oh my goodness! You're okay!" Mee exclaimed happily while bear hugging the girl. "Where have you been? Everybody has been worried sick about you!"

Kasumi just let out a small chuckle, "Vacation. I guess." She smiled, and Mee's smile just grew wider.

"So what are you here for?" Mee asked curiously, her smile not fading, not even a little bit. Kasumi opened her bag and took out an envelope with Mee's name on it.

Mee took the envelope and examined it curiously. "Open this at 23:55." Kasumi said before Mee could open the envelope. Curiosity almost killed the cat.

"Today?" Mee asked, her happy expression and her smiles turning into a frown. Kasumi nodded at her in response, trying to force a small smile on her face for the sake of her worried friend.

"I have more letters to drop off so I'll get going now." Kasumi said, hugging Mee tightly, knowing that this is the last hug her and Mee will have.

"Bye Kasumi! Stay safe!" Mee waved at her happily, but she could tell something was off about the hug they had just had. It felt like, it was the last hug she would ever have with Kasumi.

Kasumi smiled and waved back before turning around to go to the next place she was headed to.

Next stop was Saeran and Yerin's place. It was a very cozy little apartment and Kasumi felt regret for not visiting often.

She knocked on the door and waited a couple of seconds. She looked down at her boots to pass the time. Once she heard the door open, she shot her head up to look at whoever opened it.

"Kasumi?" Yerin mumbled, a smile slowly forming on her face. Her smile was so contagious, Kasumi started smiling too. Yerin and Kasumi pulled each other into a tight bear hug.

「✓」 𝐜𝐮𝐫𝐬𝐞𝐝 𝐞𝐲𝐞𝐬 || 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐤 𝐬𝐮𝐧𝐠𝐡𝐨𝐨𝐧Where stories live. Discover now