➳ chapter ten

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kasumi pov

I opened my eyes slowly and was welcomed by the sunlight coming from the window. I was about to get up, but noticed a weight on my chest. I turned to my right and saw Sunghoon, using his right arm to secure me while he was asleep.

My face suddenly felt hot, the only thing that kept going in my head was "Why the fuck is Sunghoon here?!" "What is he doing here?"

Then I remembered, flashbacks from last night in the playground. I mentally slapped myself, and gently moved his arm away from me. I looked at his beautiful face with his little mole. I let out a small smile and sighed.

I stood up and immediately felt nauseous. The feeling of sickness was back. I ran out of the room and went straight to the bathroom. Kicking the door down and immediately falling on my knees once I lifted the toilet seat.

I felt like my guts and soul were being forced out. I even noticed my vomit had some blood like before.

I felt round two was going to start, and the moment I started throwing up, I felt someone holding up my hair to prevent it from going in my face.

Once I finished, I turned around to see who it was, "Sunghoon?" I said weakly, trying to prevent myself from crying because of the pain of vomiting.

Sunghoon smiled weakly at me, he wiped my mouth with the towel and helped me stand up.

He went behind me and put both of his hands on my shoulders, helping me balance in some way while we were walking to the living room. Once we entered the living room, I noticed my friends and my siblings looking at me worriedly.

I ran so fast to the bathroom, I didn't even noticed they were here. Which meant, they heard me throwing up just a minute ago.

"I'm going for a walk." I blabbered out of nowhere, I couldn't handle the stares anymore. I went back into the room and changed into winter wear. I ran out of the apartment as fast as I could, not giving the others a glance.

sunghoon pov

"She's not pregnant." I answered before any of them could even ask that question. Some of them seemed a little bit more relaxed, but also more tense after I cleared that part up.

"How long has this been going on?" Yuna asked while looking down, trying to hold in her tears. "My guess is four days already." I answered, sounding somewhat unsure.

"Now that you mention it, her eyes started to turn gray four days ago." Jay's words made all of our eyes widened slightly, and the pieces were slowly coming together. "It might have something to do with him." Yeji added on, then everybody slowly turned to me.

"You said you're not sure why your eye color changed. Not only that, you and Hana broke up. Your eyes still haven't changed back." Jake sounded like a teacher for a second, a scary one. I don't like it. Chills were sent down from my spine just by his looks.

"Sunghoon, don't you think it's a little bit weird that this started happening the moment your eye color changed back to normal?" Hajime asked, his eyes begging for an honest answer from me.

I let out a big sigh and looked at my group of friends directly,

"If i'm being honest, I think it's related to me. But I also think it's related to Hana."

kasumi pov

"I have no idea what you are talking about!"

"Yes you do, now tell me where it is!"

I heard two voices bickering, making me stop in my tracks. The voices were familiar, which made my curiosity reach its peak. I walked towards the two bickering voices and peaked into an alley.

I saw Hana holding Mee by her collar, almost like she was beating her up.

"Hey! Let her go!" I yelled furiously, walking towards the two and pulling Mee behind me to protect her in some way. Looking directly at Hana.

"I was just trying to find you, Kasumi." Hana said with a smirk on her face. The smirk just made her face look even more punchable. "I was just having a little chat with your friend."

"Leave Mee alone, Hana." I replied back angrily. Why is Hana going after Mee? Is she going after Mee because Mee and I are friends?

Hana rolled her eyes at me, "I'll be leaving now. Enjoy the rest of your day." And with that Hana left the alley, the moment she did, Mee just held my arm. She was trembling. She was terrified.

I noticed Hana had dropped something, and she didn't even notice she dropped it. I went towards it and picked it up. My heart dropped when I saw what it was.

"My father's driver's license?" I muttered to myself, my voice slightly breaking. My eyes slowly watering because of all the emotions I felt in that moment.

I wiped my tears quickly and held Mee's hand, stuffing my father's driver's license into my pocket and zipping the pocket.

"We're going to my brother's apartment. We'll get you patched up there." I tried to force a smile for Mee, to help reassure her. She nodded at me and we both made our way to the apartment.

at the apartment

I dragged Hajime, Beomgyu, and Minnie into the guest room while my friends were taking care of Mee.

I took out our father's driver's license and put it on the nightstand.

"Where did you get that from?" Beomgyu asked curiously, looking at the license.

"Hana had it." I answered blankly, my words sending chills down my siblings' spines. Minnie's eyes starting to water, and Beomgyu holding Minnie to comfort her because of the sudden news.

"Did Hana murder our father?" Hajime asked, stuttering because of the emotions he was feeling in that moment.

"I don't know." I answered blankly once again, but a part of me just wanted to go over to Hana and confront her about it, but right now, it's not the time.

My stomach felt nauseous again, "Bathroom." I quickly said before rushing to the bathroom. My friends noticed I was running to the bathroom with tears slowly falling from my eyes.

Once again, Sunghoon rushed over to me and lifted my hair up. Once I finished vomiting, I sat against the wall and held my knees, balling my eyes out.

Sunghoon just pulled me into a warm embrace, rubbing my back softly to help comfort me. I shoved my face into his shoulder and just let it all out. I could feel Sunghoon was about to cry because I was crying.

"What a big softie."

sunghoon pov

Kasumi and her siblings were in the room, trying to comfort each other in the current situation. I told the others about the current situation because Kasumi asked me to tell them. I accepted because I knew it would be a lot of tell them herself.

"WHAT?!" Our friends yelled in sync out of shock. I signaled them with my hands to tell them to calm down.

"As much as we don't want to talk to Hana, we need to figure this out." Yuna said, all of us nodded our heads in response to her words.

"Any ideas?" Jake asked, looking at every single one of us, his eyes begging for at least one answer.

I brought out my phone from my pocket and dialed Saeran's number.

"Hey Saeran, we need some ideas."

"You have got to be fucking kidding me."

thank you for reading this chapter ! dont forget to vote and commenting is up to you. i hope to see you in the next chapter -sumire:) <3

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