➳ chapter seventeen

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kasumi pov

You have got to be fucking kidding me.

I just wanted to go on a short walk to get some fresh air. But I ended up bumping into Sunghoon. I wanted to say hi, or greet him in some way. But my legs just started moving.

How the hell am I not losing breath?! I'm still running, but I can feel, and I know, he is still chasing after me.

Is he losing breath? Is he going to be okay? Why is he chasing after me?

Right now, my legs are moving on their own.

I can't talk to him. As much as I want to talk to him, I can't. If I do, Hana will do something. She may hurt him, or somebody else we care about.

After running for awhile, I hid inside an alley way. I looked around for a little bit, and I think I lost him. I put my hood up and went back into the busy sidewalk.

I kept walking and walking, this time, I was paying attention to my surroundings. I didn't want to bump into him again.

"Keep walking. Just keep going."

Someone placed their hand on my shoulder, making me jump and stop in my tracks. I turned slightly to see who it was, and it was Sunghoon. Who was clearly not out of breath. I mean, he is an athlete, but he was chasing after me for awhile.

His expression softened, my heart was pounding, I could feel my cheeks turning hot just looking at him. His eyes begging me to talk to him. But I just frowned in response, and started running again.

And once again, he was chasing after me.

"Just give up. Please. Just give up already."

I ended up in another alley way. I put my back up against the wall and closed my eyes, trying to catch my breath and cool off after all that running.

I felt someone else's breath on my face, I opened my eyes slightly and saw Sunghoon, our breath touching each other faces, there was barely any space between us. His dark brown orbs staring into my gray ones. His arms were blocking me from running away. I was cornered.

Before either of us could say a word, Sunghoon put his soft lips onto mine. I wanted to push him off, but I couldn't, so I returned the kiss.

My heart was racing, my cheeks were burning, and I want it to last longer.

But sadly, it can't.

After a couple seconds, I slowly pushed him away, and he just looked at me in confusion.

"Where have you been?" Sunghoon asked, his voice breaking and stuttering. I bit my bottom lip slightly, slowly looking down at my shoes. "Why did you run away?!" Sunghoon asked another question, but I just kept looking down.

"Kasumi, answer me!" He was getting desperate, but I can't tell him why I ran away. I could tell his expression had changed. "Please, talk to me." He asked me, his tone was soft, and he sounded like he was going to break down.

"I hate you." I mumbled, but I don't he heard me. "Kasumi? Did you say something?" He asked, his tone telling me he didn't hear me clearly.

I slowly looked up at him, my heart aching because I really didn't want to say this.

But this is the only way for him to stay away..right?

"I hate you."

I could tell from his expression, my words had stabbed him in the heart. I put salt on the wound, or did I give him another wound?

「✓」 𝐜𝐮𝐫𝐬𝐞𝐝 𝐞𝐲𝐞𝐬 || 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐤 𝐬𝐮𝐧𝐠𝐡𝐨𝐨𝐧Where stories live. Discover now