➳ chapter one

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kasumi pov

The noises of pans being clapped against each other to make a wake up song kept playing. It was so loud.

I grabbed my other pillow and used it to cover my ears to block the sound. It wasn't working.

My bedroom door then opened, revealing the culprit of the noise.

"Kasumi! It's time to wake up bae~" my best friend, Shin Yuna, yelled happily while clapping the pans loudly. I opened my eyes immediately and sat up, looking at her annoyingly, "Stop clapping the pans." I complained, covering my ears with my hands.

Yuna smiled and stopped clapping the pans. She then left my room to go use the pans for their actual purpose, cooking.

I got up and brushed my hair and my bangs, after I put my brush down, I looked in the mirror, specifically looking at my eyes.

My left eye was black, my original eye color, while my right eye was dark brown. The dark brown was not my original eye color.

My grandma told me about a curse where if you ever left your soulmate, one of your eyes will turn into the color of your soulmate's. Being a kid, I didn't really think much of it.

I did date somebody in high school and he did have dark brown eyes, but I don't think my soulmate was him. I have other friends and people I know that have dark brown eyes that I have left behind.

The boy I dated was named Park Sunghoon, he was quite the heartthrob in high school. We dated for about a year, and then we broke up. The reason, I became insecure, so many other people had crushes on him, I became overwhelmed.

When we broke up, we talked very little, I wouldn't consider us friends nor would I consider us acquaintances.

But once we graduated and we moved on to university, that's when my right eye changed. There were so many people in our grade with dark brown eyes, so I can't pinpoint who was my soulmate.

I don't consider it as a bad thing though, I like that I have a different colored eye.

My grandma told me this curse is actually pretty complicated and confusing. I remember she told me your soulmate can have a different eye color, but still date and have feelings for other people.

The curse doesn't end there, even if you think the person you are with is your soulmate, your eyes still won't change back. It's up to you to really know if that person is your soulmate. Like, you literally have to go through soul searching and go deep into your feelings to figure it out.

Once you are absolutely certain you are both soulmates, both of you have to know and be certain, both of your eye colors will change back to normal.

It's complicated, and I sometimes don't know why it's complicated myself.

"I should stop staring at the mirror." I mumbled to myself, quietly chuckling. I then left my room and went into my other best friend's room, her name was Hwang Yeji. I peaked into her room and noticed she was still asleep.

I smirked mischievously, and quickly ran up, jumping on her bed, up and down.

"Wakey wakey Yeji~" I jumped happily. Yeji immediately jumped off the bed and fixed her hair. She looked at me with a dead look, I laughed nervously and followed her to the dining room.

Yuna already had placed our plates and sat at the dining table patiently. She didn't want to start eating without us.

"Are the boys awake?" Yuna asked curiously, Yeji and I then looked at each other and shrugged. "They can cook themselves." Yeji said with a smirk on her face, Yuna's eyes widened, "They better not burn down the place.."

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