➳ chapter three

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sunghoon pov

We had just arrived at the restaurant we are eating at. We are all sitting down at our table. I was sitting in between Hana and Jake, Jay was sitting beside Jake. Kasumi was in front of me, Hajime and Yuna next to her, Yeji next to Yuna.

I noticed that there were a lot of people here, and I noticed Kasumi just kept looking at every single person nervously. After looking at everyone, she would start playing with the napkins, folding them, but then go back to looking, and back to the napkin, it was a whole cycle.

The waiter came up to us asking for all of our drinks, "And you, Miss?" he looked at Kasumi. She gulped, and she looked really nervous, I was about to say something, but Hajime saved his twin sister just in time, "She would like a coke."

The waiter nodded and then left to go get our drinks, Hana then looked at Kasumi, confused by what she just witnessed. Yuna and Yeji stood up and helped Kasumi stand up.

"We'll be right back." Yuna said before her and Yeji held Kasumi's hand to go to the bathroom. Hana then looked at all of us boys, "You told me she was shy, but that was more than shy."

All four of us sighed, we knew it wasn't really our place to tell Hana, but it's not like Kasumi, Yuna, or Yeji would tell her either.

"She has social anxiety, it's really bad. She has trouble even talking to people she is close to." I explained quickly, I didn't want to stay on this topic for too long since the three of them may come back and wonder why we're talking about Kasumi's social anxiety.

"I remember back in high school, she vomited after a short meeting with our cousins." Hajime quickly added. Making all of our eyes widen.

"Is that why she didn't speak a word to me yesterday? She could have thrown up?" she tilted her head slightly, "Yes. That's exactly why." Hajime answered quickly. He noticed I was eyeing him, we both knew, all four of us knew that we needed to get this topic out of the way as quick as possible.

"Wait, how do you know this Sunghoon?" Hana turned to me and raised an eyebrow, I never told her I dated Kasumi.

I don't really plan on telling her either.

Hajime eyed Jake and Jay quickly, telling them just by his eyes that I never told Hana, and I really don't plan on doing so.

"They're friends. Why wouldn't he know?" Jay quickly came up with that sentence. How? I have absolutely no idea. "So you guys became friends yesterday and she immediately told you?" Hana kept bombarding me with questions.

"They've been friends since their high school days." Jake quickly said before I could say anything. Thank god. Hana then looked at me, she was going to ask me another question, "You never told me?"

"Kasumi and I haven't talked since we graduated." I was speaking the truth. I don't think I needed to talk about Kasumi with Hana. "Are you sure you don't have a history with her?" she asked another question.

I was THIS close, THIS close to exploding, my eyes begging to be saved. "They haven't talked since graduation. That's the end of it. They were just friends." Hajime spoke up, he looked a little fed up too.

"Are you guys not telling me something?" she asked, she was obviously suspicious. "I told you, that's it. They. Were. Just. Friends. Stop asking, because if Yuna or Yeji hear you talking about Kasumi, you won't crawl out of this place alive." Hajime spoke once again.

My savior.

Hana sighed and stopped asking questions. But from the looks of it, she wasn't going to stop here. I will probably get bombarded with questions at home.

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