➳ chapter eight

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kasumi pov

I woke up to the sound of glass breaking. I immediately went outside of my room, I saw Hajime, Jake, Jay, Yuna, and Yeji also leaving their rooms, they seemed to also be awoken by the noise.

There was yelling, it was mainly a girl, and that voice belonged to Hana. There could only be one other person she could be yelling at, and that was Sunghoon.

We all peaked into the kitchen, we saw Hana throwing glass plates at the wall and yelling at Sunghoon, who was just standing there, not surprised at her childish behavior.

"Why?! What's the reason?!" She yelled angrily at him, "This relationship doesn't feel right." Sunghoon answered furiously, he seemed to be frustrated.

"So you're breaking up with me all because this relationship doesn't feel right?! What about all the things we went through together?! Aren't we soulmates? Our eye colors changed!" She raised her voice even louder.

"What the hell did we even go through Hana? This entire relationship felt wrong. Not only that, I don't think we're soulmates. And my eye color, I don't know what is up with that." Sunghoon responded, he wasn't even raising his voice. He just sounded frustrated.

"You're in love with Kasumi aren't you?! Is that why you did this?! Because you still love her?!" She laughed like a maniac, I felt chills up my spine when she said my name. But then I heard a slam on the kitchen island.

"Do not bring Kasumi into this. And don't you dare lay a finger on her." Sunghoon voice sounded deadly, he then left the kitchen, going into Hajime's room.

Without even having a second thought, I followed him. I knocked on the door for about two minutes, but he didn't answer. I opened the door and saw him walking back and forth, holding his hair out of frustration.

"Sunghoon?" I spoke, trying to catch his attention. It didn't work. He still kept going. I kept calling him and calling him. But he seemed too lost in this thoughts.

I had enough, I then hugged him from behind, stopping him from walking and bringing him back to reality. "Kasumi, get off of me!" He tried to escape my embrace, but I just hugged him ever tighter. "Will you just calm down first?!" I fired back, making sure he doesn't escape.

one hour later

"Leave me alone." That was the last thing Sunghoon said before he kicked me out of Hajime's room. I was able to calm him down, but it seemed like he was pushing me away.

He wasn't crying, he didn't look like he hated me, but why was he pushing me away?

I was about to enter my room when I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around to see who it was, but I was greeted with a slap on the face. I cupped the cheek that was slapped, and looked directly at the person who slapped me.

"What the hell was that for?!" I asked furiously, she just looked at me, her eyes telling me she wanted me dead.

"I did everything to be with him. And you just.." I slapped her before she could finish, and then before I knew it, we kept slapping each other in the hallway. Each slap leaving red marks on our faces.

She then pushed me against the wall, I felt like my back just broke, but don't worry, it didn't.

"Hana, stop this nonsense! Slapping me isn't going to make anything better!" I tried to bring her back to her senses, but she clearly wasn't listening. She had the eyes of a woman who had gone fully insane.

"We were in love.." She mumbled like a maniac, I had to do something, so I pushed her forcefully onto the ground. "Hana, I may not be Sunghoon. But from the looks of your relationship with him, you guys didn't really have a relationship to begin with. It felt somewhat forced." I was telling the truth, the relationship didn't even seem like there was a relationship to begin with.

「✓」 𝐜𝐮𝐫𝐬𝐞𝐝 𝐞𝐲𝐞𝐬 || 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐤 𝐬𝐮𝐧𝐠𝐡𝐨𝐨𝐧Where stories live. Discover now