➳ epilogue

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sunghoon pov

I rolled around trying to find Kasumi next to me, but I was welcomed by an empty, cold spot next to me. I fluttered my eyes open, and sat up. Innocently looking around my room, trying to look for Kasumi.

"Did she go out?"

I picked myself off from my bed and went outside of my room to ask my friends where she was. I saw Jay drinking his morning cola, so I took that as an opportunity to ask him where Kasumi was.

"Hey Jay, have you seen Kasumi?" I asked my wide awake friend curiously. "Oh, she went out. She said she was craving for chocolate ice cream."

I nodded, "Thanks." I ran into my room and quickly changed, throwing on my coat before making my way out of the house.

The moment I stepped off the bus and was standing in front of the ice cream shop. I saw an innocent Kasumi eating her ice cream cone at the side. I made my way to her and tapped her shoulder, "Why did you leave without me?" I pouted innocently.

Kasumi rolled her eyes playfully and finished eating her ice cream, "I was craving for chocolate." Was all she could say, her answer didn't satisfy me though, "Hey! That isn't a good ans-"

Before I could finish my sentence, Kasumi started running like a little kid. I sighed and started chasing after her. Even though she literally just got discharged, she's gotten faster. But I'm faster than her.

I picked her up from behind and spun her around once. Placing her back and down and staring at her beautiful face. I admired it, staring at it lovingly.

I moved some of the strands on her face and tucked it behind her ear, I placed my soft lips onto her's, and she returned the kiss.

The kiss lasted for about a minute. We both pulled away since we're kind of in a public place.

"Weirdo." She stuck her tongue out at me and started walking. I rolled my eyes and started following her.

After walking for a little bit, Kasumi stopped her in tracks, resulting me in bumping into her.

"Kasumi? Are you okay?"

kasumi pov

I recognized this place almost too well. I saw the building that I was at the top of that night, and I saw the place where I landed.

Sunghoon seemed to take notice that I was staring off into space, a little bit shaken by the place we were in.

He quickly held my hand and intertwined our fingers, "H-Hey! What are you doing?!" I reacted out of shock. Sunghoon looked back at me,

"Getting you out of this place. You wanna visit the arcade?" How the hell did he say that with that stupid smile on his face. I blushed slightly and pouted,


Sunghoon cheered for victory and held my hand tight, we both started running towards the arcade. Smiling and laughing with each other.

I guess we got a happy ending after all.

the end

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