➳ chapter twenty-two

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one month later
third person pov

Kasumi has finally been discharged from the hospital. Before she visits the apartment her friends' have been living in for the past three years, Kasumi wanted to pay a little visit to some people.

"In here, Ma'am. Please let us know if anything disturbing or concerning happens." The bodyguard told Kasumi kindly. Kasumi bowed to him and entered the room, sitting down on the chair, glaring at the person in front of her.

"Hello, Hana." Kasumi started up the conversation, Hana's face was in absolute shock and disbelief. Kasumi smirked internally at the reaction, she was satisfied.

"H-How! You're supposed to be dead!" Hana slammed the table with her fist while yelling, her yells echoing in the small room they were in. Hana gritted her teeth out of annoyance because of the glass wall that was blocking her way, preventing her from attacking Kasumi right there.

"You really think I died?" Kasumi pouted, intimating Hana. "I don't know who gave you that information, but I never died, I was just in a coma."

Hana was about to punch the glass wall that was separating the two of them when a guard held her wrist, preventing her from punching. Two other bodyguards came in and picked up Hana, handcuffing her for safety measures.

"I'm sorry Ma'am, but you're time is up with her." The bodyguard apologized and bowed, Kasumi stood up and bowed back, "It's okay. I just finished anyways."

"FUCK YOU!" Hana yelled angrily while being taken away. Kasumi just scoffed and rolled her eyes, leaving the room and muttering to herself,

"You really haven't changed. That's disappointing."

Kasumi took a bus to a cemetery.

The cemetery her father was buried at.

Beomgyu told her where their father's grave was since his casket and gravestone was recently moved. So she made her way over there. On her way here, she bought a rose to place on her father's grave.

Once she saw his grave, she slowly bent down and placed the rose gently next to the gravestone. She started fixing all the toys and other flowers that were placed on his gravestone. She noticed some leaves were on the top of his gravestone, so she blew them away gently.

Kasumi sat herself on the grass and smiled softly at the grave.

"Hey, dad."

"It's been awhile. Actually no, it's been a very long time."

"I'm sorry I haven't been able to visit for the past five years. I was in a coma...haha.."

"I miss you. I really miss you. We all do."

Kasumi looked at the gravestone, she looked at the name lovingly, she really loves her father. She never will stop loving him.

He sacrificed most of his life to take care of her. Plus, he had three other children to take care of. He worked everyday and every night, and when he came home, he was exhausted, but he still helped his wife, their mother, take care of their children.

Now that all of his children are older, it's their turn to take care of the people that took care of them.

"We promise to take care of mother for you." Kasumi quietly spoke, smiling softly before standing up. She didn't bother to dust off her clothes, she wanted to dust it off when she was out of the cemetery.

"I promise I'll visit more, to make up for those five years I missed."

Kasumi was at her next and last stop of the day. Her auntie's house.

She kept wondering what her auntie felt when she read that letter. It broke Kasumi already thinking about it.

Kasumi realized she was taking too long, she knocked on the door three times and patiently waited for the door to open.

The opened, and Kasumi's smile appeared and grew brighter than the sun, "Hi, Auntie."

Her auntie pulled her into a tight hug and placed her head on her shoulder. Letting out quiet sobs, Kasumi's heart broke, and her tears slowly started falling down too.

"I'm so sorry I left you like that." Kasumi chuckled at her own words, but her auntie just hit her back playfully, "Oh be quiet! You're here now." Her auntie laughed happily, pulling away from the loving hug.

"Come on in! Let's eat."

Kasumi entered her house, and noticed it hasn't really changed since she was last here. Kasumi made her way into the dining room and sat down. Her auntie placing her plate in front of her and sitting across from her.

"So..what happened once you woke up?" Her auntie asked curiously and innocently. Kasumi swallowed her food and spoke, "I have a boyfriend."

Her auntie almost choked on her own saliva, "A-A b-boyfriend?! Already?!" Her jaw slightly dropped out of shock, and Kasumi smiled awkwardly in response, "Well uh..we both kinda liked each other before my coma. He's been waiting for me since and he was the first one to actually see me once I woke up."

"Besides, you know him. It's Sunghoon. You know, Park Sunghoon."

Her auntie choked on her saliva this time, "Park Sunghoon? The cute and handsome boy you dated in high school? You're dating him again?"

"Y-Yea.." Kasumi answered, smiling awkwardly. But her auntie's expression soon became bright, bright enough for Kasumi to think she needed a pair of sunglasses.

"See! I knew he was the one!" Her auntie shouted and cheered for what seemed like 'victory' to her. Kasumi just laughed and her auntie's actions, and turned back to eating the tasty food her auntie had given her.

Kasumi had arrived at the apartment her friends have been staying at for the past three years. She noticed Yuna and Jake playing twister in the living room.

"Oh! Hey Kasumi~" Yuna greeted her best friend while she was clearly in a predicament. She looked like she was about to fall, and Jake looked like he was about to give up on the round just to start another one.

"He's in his room. It's the last door on the left." Jake was able to say while he was also, clearly, in a predicament. Kasumi just laughed and left the two to play their game.

"Blue?! Dammit!" Yuna pouted sadly, now moving her left hand to the blue colored circle. "HEY! DON'T BUMP INTO ME! I MIGHT FALL!" Jake angrily pouted, Yuna just gave an awkward, but apologetic smile to her pouty boyfriend.

Kasumi opened the door and saw a very peaceful Sunghoon sleeping on his bed. He had the same penguin night light that he gave to Kasumi plugged into the wall. It was turned on, and it just made Kasumi smile to herself.

She changed into her pajamas and plopped onto the empty space next to Sunghoon.

Kasumi played with his hair gently before whispering to him,

"Good night, Hoonie."

to be continued


thank you for reading this chapter ! dont forget to vote and commenting is up to you. i hope to see you in the next chapter -sumire:) <3

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