Chapter 12: Forgotten

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Although Amelia was finally getting help from all the pain the evil four had given her, her life felt like it was at an all time low. Henry was always grounded or hanging out with Emma to see her. Matt had to work a lot.

The only person that would come talk to her was Jacob and Archie, who her uncle made come talk to her twice a week. Matt wanted doctors to help Amelia with her scars, physical and emotional. "Can I come in?" Archie asked outside her door. "Ya, come in." Amelia told him, setting down her book, Labyrinth. He glanced at her large pile of books "You definitely get a lot of time to read now." he joked trying to lighten her mood. It felt like she was always missing something. "Ya. It's kinda the only thing I can do."

"What about talking with your friends? Or Henry? He always talks about you when he comes to my office." he suggested. "I only have one friend, Henry has come twice to see me since Emma came here and one of those times was a field trip with his class. The other is when Emma said his storybook idea was crazy!" Amelia yelled. She took a deep breath. "Sorry for yelling at you Archie. It's not your fault, can you forgive me?"

He adjusted his glasses saying "of course. You have been cooped up here for a couple of weeks. You feel like the people who you love the most have abandoned you?" he asked her, diving into her session. "Kinda. I hate being stuck inside her all day. I miss being able to do the things I like the most. Like painting or just getting some fresh air. Now the only people that talk to me are you twice a week, the doctors, and on Fridays Jacob brings me a piece of cake. I've been here for three weeks but it feels like a life time."

Archie nodded at her. An idea formed "I have an idea, can I come back in an hour?" he asked her. Amelia nodded and Archie walked away "Sure. More time to read." She mumbled as she opened her book again, humming a song from the movie based on the book. "As the world falls down." She sang softly.

As promised, Archie came back with a proud look on his face. Dr. Wales walked in after him and began unhooking her from things. "What's going on?" Amelia asked them both. "A new kind of treatment." Archie told her. Soon Amelia and Archie were walking out to the courtyard in the back. Every other person doomed to stay in the hospital had someone holding on to them but not her. Amelia felt fine, she was used to the pain.

Archie led her to a bench and they sat down. "Thank you Archie." she told him. She was so happy to feel the warm sun and refreshing breeze on her face. "Your welcome, but this isn't the end of this." he walked off for a moment before coming back with a canvas and a stand for it. "It's called art therapy. As you missed being outside and your art I thought this was a good cure for both."

"This is the perfect cure." she responded as she began to open the tubes of paint set before her. She sat there talking with Archie for a while making something. "If you would like I could mention to Henry during his appointment that you mentioned him. He is trying to jungle his mother, Emma, Operation Cobra, and school and I know it would make him happy to know that he always has a friend to turn to."

"That's a wonderful idea. That looks good for now." They looked at Amelia's work. It was black brambles knotted together closing in on the center. In the center of it was a small soft pink rose with dark green leaves around it. The leaves were almost protecting the flower from the thorns. "That looks wonderful Amelia. I want to come back to that next time we talk. I want you to think of what it means. Time to go back inside. You can leave your paint here. I will clean it up." Archie told her. They walked back inside where Dr. Wales was waiting for them.

"How was your walk?" he asked as Amelia sat back down on her hospital bed. "It was good." she turned to Archie "Are we gonna do that next time again?" she asked hopefully. "That will be our new Wednesday plan. Mondays will still be inside." he told her walking away to pack up her painting things.

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