Chapter 38: A lie within a lie

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Not too long after the call ended, Amelia saw Matt's car pull into the driveway. Whipping her hands on her jeans she walked downstairs and got her coat on. On her way out she grabbed a flashlight as it was getting dark out and she had no idea what Matt had in store.

"How was your quest? Find out anything interesting?" Amelia asked her uncle as she sat down.

"I found Booth talking to the Blue Fairy. For some reason, she did not feel inclined to talk to me. After that, I had a little chat with Dr. Hopper. Now I know where Ba- Booth is going next. That's where we're heading." Matt informed her as he tightened his grip on the steering wheel.

"Why did you talk to Archie? No offense, but you hate talking about your feelings." She wondered as they drove on a road they had taken many times when she was little, or what her curse memoirs told her. They were heading to the cabin.

After a moment he admitted, "He is who he claims to be. When I was looking around his room I found something, a perfect drawing of my dagger. Any idea how he knew about it?"

Putting her hands up she told him, "Nope. I haven't told anyone about it. Henry saw the page showing it in the book, but I got rid of that page for you. I cut it out of the book. Henry was not happy about it."

"And what did you do with the severed page? Give it to Booth?" Matt asked not looking at her, his eyes never drifting from the windy road.

"You know what, that's exactly what I did, right after I showed it to Regina." She said sarcastically with an eye roll. "Of course, I didn't show it to anyone! I ripped it into pieces and then burned it. I know it's your big weakness. If you don't think he's August, who do you think he is?"

"My son, Baelfire." he told her, effectively shutting her up. What? Bae is in Storybrooke? I thought Matt lost him like a hundred years ago when he fell into a portal. How is he August? How is he not dead by now?

The drive to the cabin was quiet after that. Amelia could see how nervous her uncle was to meet his son again, now that he knew that August was Bae. As they pulled up, they saw a motorcycle parked in the driveway.

"You stay here." Matt told her, still not looking at her.

"Are you crazy? I'm going with you, I want to hear this. I swear I will stay back and let you do the talking."

Shaking his head he replied, "Fine, but please, don't say anything. I need to talk to my son, I need to get him to forgive me."

"He will." Amelia told him, placing her hand on his shoulder.

Matt tried to smile, "How do you know that? You weren't there that night, when, when I lost him. I let my son go. All because I was too afraid to give up my power."

"I know. I read part of the story. Bae has been living for a long time, just as alone in the world as you were. I'm sure he missed you too. And if he doesn't forgive you, I know how to throw a good punch. If he doesn't realize what a good dad you are, well one, he is a fool, two I can tell him. As someone who has spent almost three decades with you, I know what I'm talking about."

"Dear, you are too good to me. Thank you." he kissed her forehead and got out of the car. His niece followed him and watched as he walked to where August stood. Carefully she walked behind a tree, as she could still watch but he couldn't see her.

August turned around to look at him as Matt called out, "I know who you are. And I know what you're looking for."

August had started walking over to him. "Well then, I guess all the lying can stop, papa."

A small but hopeful smile spread across Matt's face. "You were right, Bae. You were always right." August looked away like he didn't believe what he was hearing. "I was a coward and I never should have let you go. I know it's little consolation, but I just want you to know that ever since you left, ever since you crossed the barriers of time and space, in every waking moment, I've been looking for you." Matt shook his head, his eyes full of tears.

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