Chapter 62: Oh Brother

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Hope sighed as she placed her phone next to her. Someone knocked on her door and Rumple popped his head in. "How much did you hear?" She asked him.

"Not that much. Want to tell me what happened?" He asked, sitting down on her bed. It still surprised her that he didn't need his cane anymore. Hope got off the chair still wrapped up in her blanket. She sat down next to him and conjured a mug of apple cider.

"The day the curse broke Jacob wanted to talk face to face. I might have snuck out to meet him. We talked about who we were and everything. After that, we broke up. Next day I was in the Enchanted Forest. When I got back this was waiting for me." She told him holding up Jacob's letter.

"He and his dad left town. They chose to forget their old memories forever. He is in New York now and asked Lia to join him. So now I've had to break up with him twice, I haven't taken a shower in a week, I haven't really slept and it's too much." She brushed away the tear that was falling down her cheek. Jacob, I'm so sorry. I should have been here for you. You needed me and I wasn't here. I had to be stupid and go through the portal. I could have died doing it! But I did it anyway and abandoned the people I care about most. You were always there for me but I wasn't there for you!

Her father placed his arm around her shoulder. "Come on. The Amelia I know is one of the strongest people I've ever meet. You lived with the Dark One for years, babysat the Evil Queen's son, fought off bullies for years on your own, remind me to find them later. Now you are about to cry over a boy who didn't care enough about you to stay and say goodbye in person? If you're going to cry, cry about something worth your tears. Like whenever one of your favorite characters gets killed off."

Hope gave him a small smile, he really knew her too well. "Thanks Papa." She replied with a sniffle. "What would I do without you?"

He kissed the top of her head as he told her, "Now here is what you're going to do. Take a long shower to get cleaned off, then you're going to find the boy and show him all the things I hear you brought back. Belle already found the books and they are put away. Thank you for bringing those back. Tonight we will have whatever you want for dinner. How does that sound? I think this is what fathers do when their daughter has her first breakup."

"That works." She said.

He walked out the door before turning back to look at her room, "It looks nice Dear."

Hope got cleaned up and wore a comfy pair of jeans and a bright orange sweatshirt with a black Pegasus on it. She grabbed her phone and texted Henry. 'Hey bud. Wanna come check out everything I brought back? I've barely seen you since... everything.'

'YEAH! Meet me at the park?' He responded right away. She responded and appeared at the park. Hope laid down on the bench and looked up at the clouds. Not long after, Henry came running over to her as Emma's yellow bug drove away.

"Lia there you are! We were right, are you Alice?" He yelled as he ran over to her and gave her a huge hug.

"I missed you. We weren't quite right. Sadly I'm not Alice, we were so sure about it. I'm Hope, I wasn't in the book, at least I don't remember seeing myself. I wasn't in the Enchanted Forest, till now. I was actually born in this realm but lived in a different one when the curse hit. Hopefully, you didn't get charms about tea parties and rabbits with pocket watches."

Henry looked down and opened his hand to show a silver top hat, a red teapot, a gold pocket watch, and a crescent smile. "Oops. What land were you from? Who is your family? Who are you?"

She laughed at his enthusiasm. "Slow down Bud. My family is ten kinds of crazy. You sure you really want to know?" He nodded his head and she continued. "My parents were gone long before the curse came. I do have a big brother out there named Felix. I lived with all my best friends. I'm very much like a mom to most of them. That's how I was so good with you, I get along better with guys from being around them forever. I just had a really crazy few days. So I need some fun brother time."

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