Chapter 42: She believes at last

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"Henry!" Amelia yelled as she knelt next to him. She turned to Emma who was standing there shocked. "What happened? Did he eat this and then pass out?"

"Yeah," Emma breathed, not being able to look away from Henry. "How did you know? Why did you-"

Amelia stood up picking up the turnover looking for a bag to put it in. "News flash Emma! The curse is real and this was made with the poisoned apple. You have to take Henry to the hospital and take this with you." She found a bag and Emma picked up Henry. Amelia handed Emma the bag. "I'll get Regina, she is the only one who might know how to fix this." Both of them ran to their cars and drove like their lives depended on it.

When Amelia opened the door she frantically yelled "Regina!"

Climbing down the stairs she asked, "What happened?"

"We need to go to the hospital, Henry-"

Regina only needed to hear the words hospital and Henry before she was sprinting to the car. "What do you mean Henry is in the hospital!"

Amelia just shook her head and drove, not trusting herself to say more. Regina sat there mind racing as they drove to the hospital.

When they got there the staff pointed them to where Henry was. Emma was standing in the room along with Dr. Wale and a few nurses. Emma had opened his backpack onto the bed across from Henry. Henry was laid on the hospital bed quickly being hooked up to all the machines and things to keep him alive.

"Where's my son?" Regina asked once the doors opened. Amelia gasped looking down at her brother, knowing there was nothing the doctors could do for him. Magic was the only way to help him now. Emma grabbed Regina by the arm and pulled her away. Amelia followed after them knowing they would tear each other apart.

Emma shoved Regina into a closet and into a cart. "You did this!"

"What the hell are you doing?!" yelled Regina as they began to fight. "Stop this! My son-"

Emma pinned Regina against a row of lockers as she screamed "Is sick because of you! That apple turnover you gave me, he ate it!"

Regina gasped and whispered "What? It was meant for you."

"It's true isn't it?" Emma asked, shaking with either rage or worry, Amelia wasn't sure.

She pushed herself between Emma and Regina. "We have been saying for a year it's true! It shouldn't have taken this to get you to believe!"

Regina looked between the two of them, "What are you talking about?"

Emma repeated "It's true, isn't it? All of it."

All Regina could do was nod her head. "Yes."

"I was leaving town. Why couldn't you just leave things alone?" Emma asked.

"Because as long as you're alive, Henry will never be mine." Regina shouted at them.

Emma glared and said, "He'll never be anyone's unless you fix it."

Amelia turned to them and yelled "This is both of your fault! And we're all going to fix it." She looked at Regina and told her, "If you would have just let Emma leave town like she planned the turnover would have never been made." She turned to Emma "And if you would have just believed him he never would have had to eat the turnover to make you believe!"

"How do you know that's why he ate it?" Emma asked suspiciously.

"Because I know Henry!" Amelia screamed at her. "You were leaving and he knew if he did something crazy to make you believe, you would stay and break the curse. So now how the hell are we going to fix this and save him?"

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