Chapter 68: A Sad Party of One

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 Hope walked into the back of the shop with Pongo sniffing everything around. "Come on boy, you got an important job to do." She told him.

"Hey hey, boy," Rumple said softly as he knelt to pet Pongo. "Good boy good boy good boy."

Belle smiled at their interaction and let out a small laugh. "I didn't know you were such a dog person."

"Well, a long time ago, in another life, I got to know a sheepdog or two." Rumple explained as Pongo licked his face.

Emma rolled her eyes as she said, "That's fascinating, but unless you speak dog, how is Pongo gonna tell us anything?"

"Through magic of course." He responded.

Hope knelt down to pet Pongo and whispered, "You're not gonna hurt him are you?"

Rumple shook his head. "I would never." He turned to look at Emma and explained, "It won't allow us to communicate, but it will allow us to extract his memories."

"Extract?" David asked worried.

Rumple sighed at the Charming clan and said, "You don't have to worry. He won't feel a thing."

"Why should we trust you?" Emma asked, crossing her arms. "Couldn't you just as easily use magic to fool us?"

"Because I'm not going to be the one using magic." Rumple said.

"I am?" Hope asked him.

He shook his head. "Not this time Dearie. Ms. Swan will be."

"Me?" Emma asked, sounding very bored. "How?" Mary Margaret and Charming glanced at each other.

Rumple wandered around the back of the shop as he said, "You have it within you. You told me so yourself. You witnessed it, didn't you?" He asked Mary Margaret, David, and Hope.

Mary Margaret crossed her arms and told her daughter, "Emma, you don't have to do this."

"If it tells us something about Archie's death, then so be it." Emma responded.

Rumple held up a dream catcher and asked her, "Do you know what this is?"

Emma stared at it like it made her remember something or someone. "A dream catcher." She said softly.

Rumple gave a small chuckle and said, "Well, it's capable of catching so much more." He bent down to Pongo and brushed the feathers of the dream catcher along Pongo's back. The dream catcher began to glow a golden color.

"What is that?" Belle asked him.

"Memories." Rumple told her. Ok, so new magic lesson, memories can come in more shapes than one. They can be gold and taken from dream catchers, and they can be purple glowing rocks. Hope thought to herself. "Now, Ms. Swan, you show us how."

"How? It's just a jumble." Emma asked, looking back and forth between the dream catcher and Rumple.

"Will it." He explained to her. "Will it, and we shall all see."

Emma took the dream catcher and held it up in front of her, concentrating on it. Hope took a step closer to Rumple to get a better look. Please say Papa and Regina didn't do this.

"I can't." Emma said after a moment.

"Yes, you can." Rumple insisted.

Emma closed her eyes as she held the dream catcher. Soon it glowed brighter and an image of Archie walking around his office appeared.

"Emma, you're doing it." Her father told her. Everyone watched the memory as Archie opened his office door and a very angry Regina stood there. They watched him turn around to grab her file. But once he turned around Regina grabbed him by the neck.

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