Chapter 64: Rain check finished

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When they opened the doors everyone cheered and clapped for them. Hope fought her instinct to reach for her knife. Ruby practically sprinted into Mary Margaret's arms giving her a huge hug. Emma walked over to Granny to talk and drop off the box she was holding. Hope glanced back at Rumple and Belle standing outside. "You're not coming in?" She asked them.

Belle looked at the large group of strangers. "Maybe another time."

"We were asked to make sure you showed up. For being just a child he is quite stubborn." Rumple told her placing his hand on Belle's

Hope turned to Henry who was smiling at her. "Aww, was someone worried I wouldn't show up to the party?" She bent down and kissed his cheek.

Quickly he rubbed at his cheek, trying to wipe the kiss off. "You didn't even know about the party. Come say hi!"

He grabbed her hand and tried to pull her into the crowd. "I won't be too late then I will have movie night!" She called to them as she let Henry pull her towards someone.

Archie gave her a small hug. "I'm glad you're safe, everyone was so worried about you all."

She let out a small laugh. "Thanks, Archie, but I know most of this is for Emma and Mary Margaret. It's just good to be home again." Hope wandered away from the crowd and grabbed a mug of apple cider for herself and a hot chocolate for Henry. After making sure to put cinnamon on it for him of course.

David cleared his throat and called out. "I just wanted to thank you all for joining us tonight. Mary Margaret and I, we have a saying, that we will always find each other. And while I believe that with all of my heart, I'd like you all to raise your glasses and join me when I say, here's to not having to look for a while. To Mary Margaret Emma and Hope!"

Everyone raised their glasses. The bell on the door chimed as Regina walked in. "Sorry, I'm late." She told everyone, holding up a dish of food.

"What is she doing here?" Leroy asked with a scowl.

"I invited her." Emma told everyone before turning to talk with her parents.

Hope walked over to her and gave her a hug once her hands were empty. "Someone I actually know." She sighed, making Regina smile.

"Not a lot of friendly faces at your party?" She asked the younger girl.

"Friendly yes, actually friends, that's another story." Hope admitted. She glanced at the dish Regina made. Her famous lasagna. "Let's just say, I think a grand total of five people in town actually missed me when I left. Actually, make that four now."

"How about we cash in that rain check on that apple cider and talk? No one here seems to want to talk to either of us." Regina suggested.

Hope nodded as Henry walked over to them "I'm glad you came." Henry told his mother as she gave Henry a piece of lasagna.

"Me, too." Regina responded as Leroy walked over to the table filled with food. "Oh, I made lasagna."

He looked at it for a second before asking, "What's the secret ingredient? Poison?"

Returning the glare with equal coldness she said, "Red pepper flakes. Gives it some kick."

He watched as Hope took a large bite of it. "Best one yet!" Seeing it didn't appear poisoned he took a piece. She sat down across from Regina at a booth in the corner. After conjuring some cider for them both she said, "I'm glad you came today. I'm a bit shy of people in town who like me."

"I understand the feeling. But why don't you have anyone in town? You must have had a family before the curse." Regina asked.

Hope sighed and took a drink of her cider. "Like I said the day I came to see you, I'm older than I look. My mom died when I was a baby and I ran away from Wiliam, my birth father, when I was sixteen. My only family here is Rumple, Henry, and you." She looked around at everyone talking together, so excited that Emma and Mary Margaret were back. "I have known these people for twenty-eight years. I could tell you what Mary Margaret normally has for breakfast, or how many beers it takes Leroy till he starts telling the funniest stories, or plenty of gossip about everyone. But none of them know me. Only one person even took the time to say welcome back."

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