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Fucking hang over!

I got up from a comfy bed and look around.

Nice room.

Wait what?!

This is not my room?!

What happened last night?!

I notice that I'm not wearing my dress!?

Did I finally pop my cherry?!



I got up from the bed and slowly open the door then walk down into the stairs.

I smell something delicious coming of course from the kitchen you can't cook inside a bathroom don't be stupid.

I follow the noise and smell, I saw a woman back wearing a white long sleeves tuck in to the nude color of pants.

When she turn around I saw how her hair swing cause of the air, and everything go slow. I saw how her doe eyes landed to mine, my eyes go down to her nose then to her plump lips. Then the plate she's holding put it to the table.

Ok I'm not gonna lie here.
She's fucking hot. The way her sleeves is lift up to her elbow, I bet she smell good.

"Morning." My thoughts vanished when I heard her voice. Even her voice was fucking hot. Omg.

"I.. uh.. morning." I said shyly. What the heck I'm stuttering?! I never stutter in my whole life!

"I made you breakfast, I bet your hungry." She said emotionless and gestured her hand to make me sit. I followed her and she adjust the chair that I'm sitting.

Such a gentlewoman.

Waaaaiiittt!! I need to find out what happened last night! Focus jennie!

"What happened last night?" I asked not looking at her because I might end up can't talk. I focus on my plate that has eggs bacon and a toasted bread and wait her to explain.

"I saw a man pulling your arms, I help to get you away from him. Then you told me you want to go home, but I don't really know what is your address so I decided to take you here.." She said like a robot that is program to say it.

I remember about the pervert guy. But I don't remember her. Huhu.

"Did we have sex?" I asked, I saw how she taken back to my sudden question.

"We did not." She said looking straight to my eyes. We look at each other for a minute and I look away. I can't.. She's too handsome and gorgeous at the same time the heck!

"If you're done just tell me. Then I will take you home." She said and put her plate to the sink then make her way to the living room sitting at the sofa.

"No need, I'm gonna grab a cab." I said walk and stop infront of her.

"No. I'm going to take you home. Let's go." She said and get up from the sofa, she's taller than me aish. She get her nude coat and wear it. Damn.

"Where's my stuff?" I asked, she get something on top of the coffee table.

"Everything inside here is yours." She said then avert her eyes on me and look at the paper bag.

I slowly get it to her hand and she's right. I saw my dress and heels inside, also my purse.

"Good." I said and look at her. She gesture her head to follow her.

I don't really know why I'm following this human. Tsk.

"Wait." I said, as I look at my feet. Thankfully the shirt is kinda big for me but I can't go outside barefoot.

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