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Third Person's POV

Five days later...

In the middle of the night the couple are sleeping when a person quietly go to Lisa's bed side ready to suffocate her with its hands. Lisa on the other side quickly dodge the hand and turn to Jennie as she kick the person reason for it to stumble.

"Lisa." Jennie said nervously didn't know what's happening.

Lisa get her gun on the other side of the bed not letting Jennie's hand slips away from her.

"What's happening hun? You're scaring me." Jennie said as her breathing start to uneven.

"Ssshh." Lisa all can say as they move to the kitchen and incline with the table to hide.

Lisa heard someone walking and without hesitation she pull the trigger aiming the person with a black full mask but it doesn't get hit that's why she keep shooting.

Not until Lisa smell a gas lingering in their cabin, she quickly get her wife and they both run away. They both heard their cabin explode.

"Lisa, I'm getting tired." Jennie said but her wife didn't listen they keep running and running.


"Fuck!" Jennie scream when a bullet hit Lisa's right leg.

The person is running towards Lisa, and she pushes Jennie so that the person's hit all falls on her.

The person punch Lisa's face and put its hand to her neck. Lisa successfully escapes by hitting its arm with her elbow, punching the side and kicking the person multiple times, the person snatching Lisa's hair and hitting her face with its knee.

Suddenly the person drop when Jennie struck a thick wood to its head.

The person hold its head and get the gun aiming to Jennie, when its about to fire Lisa kick its hand.

"Run!" Lisa said looking at Jennie.

Jennie didn't hesitate and obey her wife instantly.

"Who the fuck are you!?" Lisa asked, but the person run towards the gun.

Lisa jumped at the enemy and give its full blast hit on its face, but Lisa didn't notice a sharp knife was digging to her left side until she fell.

She hold her bloody wounds ready to pull, the person keep catching its breath and squat across Lisa looking at her.

"Stop .. you'll make it worse Lisa." The person said, reason for Lisa with a lot of cut on its face look up.

"S-seulgi?" Lisa said in pain.

The person take off the mask revealing her friend Seulgi looking at her with no guilt.

Lisa was about to fight again but Seulgi kick hard her abdomen.

"I said fucking stop Lisa! Stop moving! It has poison, the more you move the more it will spread fast." Seulgi said.

"W-why..?" Lisa cough a blood.

"We both know I will never defeat you that's why I need to think of something strong, and here we are."

"J..jennie, my wife. Seulgi. Please." Lisa start to get numb.

She heard Seulgi laugh a little.

"Wow, Jennie is really something huh? I didn't know you beg Lisa." Seulgi said not looking at Lisa.

Lisa's eyes start to get blurry.

"My w-wife.." As when Lisa said that, her body shut down.

Seulgi look at her old friend.

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