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Morning came up however the human that I married yesterday can't find here in our room. Did she sleep last night?

I go to the bathroom to wash my face, I saw our bathroom door is already fix. Did she fix this while I'm sleeping? Why I didn't heard it?

I shrugged it off and head downstairs and go to the kitchen. I don't have work for 2 weeks because of the honeymoon.

"Eat." I heard lisa behind me like a ghost reason me to flinched. I saw the table filled with breakfast food.

"Fuck." I mumble, she scared the shit out of me.

She pull the chair for me, I sit and she adjust so that I can comfortably eat. I feel like having a deja vu. She seat on the other side of the table we're facing each other.

"I know you don't want to be tied to me. But we can't do anything about it." She started and munch her food elegantly.

"Bullshit." I mumble.

Lisa slam the table looking at me straight in the eyes.

"I don't like hearing cursing infront of the table while we're eating." She said in a firm voice, she thought I'm going to be scared of her? Nice try. But no.

"But I do, and you can't do anything about it." I said and smirked at her. I saw how her gripped tighten to the fork.

"Okay my wife, I like to have rules in this house." She said and wipe her lips with the napkin.

"What can I earn for agreeing with you?" I said sarcastically looking at her and put down the knife and fork on my plate.

"You can give your rules also." She said and put her hand together under her chin.

"Fine." I said, thinking about what a good rules. I heard she cleared her throat.

"First rule, don't interfere of my personal agenda."

"Same with me." I said, she nod at me.

"Second even we don't love each other I want you to be loyal to me my wife, respect our marriage and of course I'll do the same." She said and this time I'm the one who nod at her for approval.

"And lastly, always tell me where you are and who are you with." She said.

"Wait.. wait.. Why do I need to tell you where am I and who I'm with?" I asked and lift my one eyebrow not liking and not used to it this kind of stuff.

"You need to, it's part of having a wife, you need to update me always as much as possible." She explain and get up from the table.

"Fine." I said in forced.

"So what is your rule my wife?" She asked while getting a juice on the refrigerator. She get a drinking glass and put it to my side and start to pour the juice.

"Don't barge in when I'm in the bathroom." I said looking at her, she stop to what she's doing and put down the juice.

"Fine with me."

"I'm a CEO so don't expect me to come home early. I'm always busy so don't wait for me to come home."

"I know that. As your wife I want to take you to your company and also fetch you when your done with work." She said make me shocked.

"Hey. It's not on the rules." I said and put my plate on the sink and start to wash it.

"I didn't say it's a rule my wife. I said it because I want to." She respond.

"I have my own car. You don't have to do that." I said annoyed.

"I said I want to."

"Do you have no work? Why do I feel like you're not a busy person? What do you do for a living huh?" I asked bombarded her with questions.

"Oh. So we're now in the stage of getting to know each other?" She said walk to the living room, then I followed her.

"I'm also a business woman my wife, I do have a lot of restaurants even outside the country." She said.

"So what is the name of your company?" I asked her, she start to flip a book, I don't know what is it.

"LM corporation, I do have bakeshop, resto bar, name it all only connected with food." She said.

"I see." I said to her. I get up and about to go upstairs to sleep again.

"Where are you going?" She asked me.

"I'm going to sleep again." I said, she just nod at me, and I proceed to our room.



When she head upstairs I go to the secret room where all of my documents and guns are. I start to search who is my next target, I saw an email pop up at my pc screen.

A multiple pics of a man talking to a phone.

Target: Mr. Lee

Going to a meeting at 4:30 pm sharp.

Location: Resto Class

2 cars behind and 10 bodyguard.

Good luck Limario.

Of course it's jisoo, she's the one assigned for all information about my target and I'm the doer.

I click the mouse to confirm that I received the message.

I go to my babies hanging on the wall and choose what will I bring for that mister lee.

I get my knights SR-25 Mnd XM110 SASS suppressor and gently put it to it's bag.

It's still early Imma read some book for a while.

Hour's past my wife still in her dream land that's why I need to prepare her a lunch.

Busy at the kitchen when I heard someone going down.

"Let me cook for us this time." She said grabbing the knife at my hand. I grab it to her gently not wanting to hurt her.

"No. I was the one who started it, so I need to finish it." I said to her. But she's stubborn she grab it again to mine.

I just sigh not wanting an argument.

"Wait what is this for I'm cutting?" She asked while cutting the parsley.

"See. You don't even know what I'm cooking. I'm already done my wife. That's the last part will put on the steak." I said and look at the dining table already have plates.

I saw how her lips form into 'o'.

We start to eat not talking to each other, I don't want to loose my energy arguing with her because I need something important to do after this lunch.

"I'm gonna do some errands later. I'll be back at 17:00." I said slicing the steak.

"Ok. I'm going to chaeng after this. You don't have to take me there.", She said but I shake my head.

"No, I will take you there. Just tell me if you're ready." I said.

Done with the lunch I already put my lady Italian dark red suit. I saw jennie going downstairs, I saw how her dress fit to her, I like how her curves is visible.

"Let's go." She said authorative. I nod at her when she walk infront of me.

Now I hate this dress. It's too revealing. Her back is too expose.

I start the engine and head to chaeyoung house. I know her house of course, but I let jennie said the direction so she will not be suspicious about me.

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I don't really have a knowledge about fire arms guys. 😅

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