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Now I'm getting mad at that rule she make, fucking shit. I'm still thinking about lastnight, maybe she's making out with other girls, that bitch.

A knocked on my door sound.

"Good afternoon ma'am, you have a meeting with Mr. Han at 4pm." She said at me while looking at the iPad. "Also Jcompany asked about if you will accept their offered."

"Tell them to wait, my answer will be this week." I said busy reading other files.

"Yes ma'am. I'll be going now." She said.

I just nod at her not in the mood but I don't like this Irene in my company even she's good at her work, I'm just gonna wait until she would make a mistake so I have reasons to fired her.

Walking and sat my ass down at my leather sofa I lean my head because I'm exhausted because of load work, I need a nap.


I felt someone caressing my head reason me to calm, I smile a little then open my eyes. Lisa is looking at me, I'm using her lap as my pillow. I quickly got up and rolled my eyes at her.

"What are you doing here?" I asked in cold tone.

"You haven't eat lunch my wife, I ordered you food so you can just eat here." She said and point at the table.

"That's it? You can leave now." I said and avert my eyes on her.

"Are you mad?" She asked confused.

"I have tons of work to do lisa, if you don't have important to say you should leave." I said and gestured my hand at the door.

She fix her suit and stand up.

"I hope you enjoy your lunch, and don't overwork yourself. See you later." She said in a firm voice and left.

Now I felt guilty, I didn't even invite her to eat. Aish.



I am sipping my drink here at the coffee shop while waiting.

The door open causing the ring bell on top chirp, walking slowly a short women entered.


- Favorite food is chicken
- Good at hacking
- Weapons specialty are bow and arrow
- Naughty

Then second woman who looks like a bear came.


- Good at making device, she's also make our gadget's like not ordinary watch, everything we need.
- Love women, so much
- Always fight with jisoo
- Weapons specialty are combat knife, karambit knife

Next was


- Seulgi's partner at the lab
- Of course love women too
- Weapons specialty explosive device.

The last woman came.


-Doer like me
- Always joining the two especially at fooling around
- Love machine guns
- Weapons specialty are guns, everything about guns.

-Doer like me- Always joining the two especially at fooling around- Love machine guns- Weapons specialty are guns, everything about guns

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"We look good huh?" Jisoo said smirking, here comes this cocky.. they sat at the chair around the table.

"You four are late." I said looking at them lazily.

"Here comes the serious lisa." Seulgi tease.

"Yeah, the robot lisa." Moonbyul said and do the robot dance, the two laugh, I glared at them.

"Done with your childishness?" I said and getting my coffee when Jisoo snatch it. "Yah."

"Coffee in the afternoon? Come on lis, You're like a grandpa." She said then chuckle.

"Whatever." I said then they start to order their food.

"How was being married to jennie kim?" Moonbyul said.

"Yeah, I haven't seen her." Seulgi said, eyeing the food coming. The waitress put their order, I saw seulgi wink at her. Such a womanizer.

"She's stubborn and moody." I said, remembered how she kicked me out of her office.

"I know right. Studying her in weeks makes me understand you." Jisoo said.

"She's probably hot." Seulgi spit out. I fastly throw the fork at her but she quickly dodge it.

"Stop it guys. We're in public. Luckily no one got hit." Moonbyul said in whisper looking everywhere.

"Stop teasing lisa, seulgi. We don't want to make her mad." Jeongyeon mocked.

"Chill." Seulgi said smirking, I just look at her.

"When we're done here, we need to proceed at my penthouse." I said. They just nod at me finishing their food.


Done with the meeting with the four children I'm now at our house waiting for the time so I can fetch jennie in her company.

"I'm home." I got surprised when a voice came out at the door. I saw jennie walking.

"Wait. Why you're early?" I frowned.

"My meeting was cancelled because Mr. Han got killed last night, can you believe that, we just saw him last night. Gosh it's giving me goosebumps." She said afraid turning back at me.

"We haven't done talking jennie." I said.

"There's no rules like that honey. So ciao." She said then go upstairs, I think honey suit in me.

Aish. I can't with her.

I'm about to start cooking when I saw her wearing a large shirt and shorts. She look like a kid.

"I'm going to cook for us." She said plainly looking at me. I go to the chair then put my gaze on her. She tied her hair revealing a perfect and milky skin neck of her. I gulp looking at it. I averted my eyes and focus on what she's cutting.

"What are you going to cook for me hon?" I asked. I saw her face becoming red, she's mad again?

"Shit!" She said closing her eyes and hold her finger, I run towards her and get her bleeding finger and put tissue to cover it then examine her move.

'She's pale and her hands is a little bit shaky.'

"Hey, are you okay?" She's not responding, still closing her eyes. I pull her into hug, patting her back.

"Do you want to sit? I'm gonna get you a water." I said but she tightened her hug. I get a chair and make her sit.

I clean her cut and put a bandage on it.

"It's fine now." I said, she just opened her eyes and look at her finger and released a deep sigh.

"Are you afraid of blood?" I asked looking at her, she avert her eyes at me and tucked her lower lips.

"You take over my cooking, I've lost my mood to do it." She said blank face going to the living room and open the t.v.

I did what she said, not adding another question.

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