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Third Person's POV

"My wife I'm just gonna go to my friends I'll be back before dinner." Lisa said behind kissing the head of jennie sitting at the couch reading her book.

"Ok, why don't you invite them here? Since I haven't met them." Jennie said put down her book as she stood up to fix lisa's suit.

"I think that's not a good idea my wife."

"And why is that?" Jennie asked confused putting her hand to lisa's nape and rub it softly.

"U--uhm. I don't know. Maybe I should invite them. Yeah." Lisa said still hesitating.

"Good, I'll prepare you guys a good dinner. Take care and drive safe hun." Jennie said and kiss both of lisa's cheeks.

"Boop. See you later gorgeous." Lisa tap jennie's tip nose and smile at her widely.

Jennie smile and nod at lisa.


"It's just a fucking journal limario." Jisoo groan holding the notebook that the guy gave him before he explode at the restaurant.

"You'll find interesting, don't be such a lazy ass jisoo." Jeongyeon said still reading.

They tear it apart so they easily find something to help them about their mission.

"Oh, how it's your mission guys?" Moonbyul asked.

"Making new devices is not easy but it's fun, right jeong?" Seulgi wiggle her brows to jeongyeon.

"Me and seulgi is working on something that boss gave." Jeongyeon said.

"What's that?" Lisa asked.

"You'll find out soon." Seulgi said as she chew her gum.

"How about you byul?" Jisoo asked.

"Not gonna lie, but it's getting boring, boss gave me a mission that I need to follow the old hag, then he'll tell me whether to kill it or not." Moonbyul said and sigh.

"That's fucking boring, why boss give you such that kind of mission." Jisoo said laughing.

"Wow, I just thought boss gave you mission asshole and you don't even do it. I can't wait he will call any of this day or hours." Seulgi said glaring at jisoo.

"I don't care at all. I can finish that in a snap I'm just tired of doing nothing." Jisoo said cocky that cause her and seulgi glare like their fighting inside their heads.

"Ok that's enough. We'll continue this tomorrow." Lisa stood up and go to the door. "I forgot, my wife invite you to have dinner with us." Then out of the penthouse.

The four women quickly stood up and catch up to lisa. They fit themselves to lisa's car because no one wants to drive.

"This is one of the reasons why I don't like to invite you guys." Lisa said gripping tight to her steering wheel because the three women at the back seats can't stop bickering with each other.

"Yah! That's fucking hurt jeongyeon!" Jisoo complain holding her forehead.

"You lose jisoo, that's our consequence." Jeongyeon said mocking her.

Jeongyeon and jisoo continue to play rock paper scissors not until seulgi join them while moonbyul and lisa is silent.

"Jeongyeon! You really want this game to be bloody huh!?" Jisoo said in anger suddenly punch jeongyeon face out of nowhere.

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