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I was peacefully watching here at the living room when I heard our door open.

I lift up myself to see who it was I got scared when lisa pop up infront of me and engulfed me from a tight hug.

"W..what happened lisa?" I asked her I heard her breathing is deep like she was scared of something.

"N-nothing, I just.. I just missed you, yeah that's right." She said not so sure but it gives me butterfly on my stomach.

"I missed you too." I said in whisper but I know she still can hear it and that's true y'all.

"I'm going to cook dinner for us my wife." She said and kiss my head before heading to the kitchen.

I follow her steps and she take off her suit jacket.

"Let me." I said and she hand me her suit.

"Thank you." She said I just smile at her, I noticed her knuckles has bruised and wounds.

"Where have you been lisa? Be honest." I said, she stop looking at the refrigerator.

Blank stares all she can give at me and continue to get meat.

"Lisa? Hello?" I said to her but she's ignoring me.

"Rules my wife." She said and stared at me lazily.

"There's no rules now lisa, we're friends and friends talk to each other how their day going."

"I think I'm not a good friend then." She said that makes my blood boiled.

"Fine! I'm trying here lisa, can you do it too?" I said in mad tone and crossed my arms. "Eat by yourself." I said and get my purse.

"Where are you going?" She asked and look at me with her cold stares.

"Somewhere without you." I said hint of irritation then go to the door but she blocked my way.

"You can't, it's already dark outside jennie." She said.

"What am I? A five year old that can't go outside without a mommy?" I said with sarcasm and move but she still blocked it. "For fuck sake lisa get out the way!"

"No." She said plainly. "If you don't want to eat with me, it's fine. But eat here."

"Who are you to make a decision for me!?" I said getting pissed.

"I'm your wife jennie." She said in firm voice.

"Oh yeah? Well I don't care." I said and move her forcefully at door but she lift me up and put me on the sofa.

I slapped her cheeks really hard.

"Don't you dare fucking touch me again!" I wrath at her but she just look at me with her cheeks starting to red.

"If that makes you stay here, it's fine to me." She said and hold my hand that I used to slapped. "Look at you, your hand got hurt."

What?! I just slapped you and you still care about me?!

I take away my hand to her hold.

"I will continue my cooking, eat dinner with me please." She said in soft tone, I saw her eyes with sadness.

I just nod at her and sit at the sofa.

I don't even know why I follow this tall human!

Now I'm fucking guilty that I slapped her.

We're already done eating and I take to wash the dishes, she's at the our bedroom.

I go upstairs to wash up, I saw her sitting at our bed like she's in the deep of thinking.

I poke gently her shoulder she slowly look at me with blank face.

"Penny for you thoughts?" I asked and sit beside her.

She slide her hand to mine that cause me feel an electric waves to my body and stay on my stomach.

"It's nothing but can we stay like this? You always create something that I can't understand jennie, you make me feel human." She said with a tone of tired and sadness while looking to our interwhined hands.

Huh? What does she mean by that? Is she not human? Omg she must be alien.

I couldn't say anything, All I can do is give what she want but I feel contented and happy right now.

I put my head to her shoulder, I feel she's putting a light kiss to it reason for me to smile.

"I'm sorry.." I said with guilt. "I'm sorry that I slapped you."

"It's alright." She said plainly and squeeze my hand a little. "I'm tired jennie.. can we sleep now?" She asked, I look at her and nod.

"I'm going to the bathroom first lisa.", I said not wanting to leave her. She smile at me but not the happy smile that she gave me before.

She lay down at the bed, but before I go to the bathroom I glance at her.



I haven't feel sad for too long since my boss trained me to be like this, the only thing he imprinted on my brain is that I have to get rid of my own emotions.

I remembered when I was eight years old I was super scared of him because he want me to fight with the other kid, I cried infront of him then he put me to a room that there's no lights or anything, I stay there for 1 week without food only water that dripping to the pipe above me, the only source of light is the tiny hole on the wall.

I told myself that I don't want to stock there that's why I gather my emotions and turn it off that day he let me sparing again with the kid. Even my knuckles are in pain I still punch its face until the kids its unconscious I heard my boss clap and told me he's proud, being a little kid I feel happy of that word but I choose not to show it, that's why I never ever let my emotions draw again and they always call me a robot or heartless human.

but not until jennie came to my life, the day that even me was surprised because I feel like I can be soft and weak beside her.

My thoughts were gone when I heard the bathroom door open indicating that jennie is already done.

I feel that the bed move, I turn to face her and make my arm her pillow, she didn't utter a word. She slide her arm to my waist and I kiss her forehead closing my eyes.

"You look sad .." she said, I know she's looking at me. "Why?"

"My parents.." I said for the first time why I'm being like this.

"You missed them?" She asked in whispered.

I just nod at her still closing my eyes while the sorrow is crawling to my body, I wish I had the power to help them maybe we were still together. I wish I had experienced being a normal kid, but no. I can't do anything about it because I was just a little weak kid back then.

I feel her touch wiping something on my face.

''I g..got no one.." I said hold her tight inside my arms.

"You do now." I was taken back to what she said, I open my eyes and look at her.

"I'm here now lisa.." I saw how her eyes drowning me with a lot of emotions that I hide a long time ago.

She keep wiping my eyes, out of curiosity I do the same and I didn't know that I'm crying.

I let out a chuckle because now..

I'm no longer hiding.

I rub my nose to hers and smile.

"Thank you."

"You're welcome, Good night my wife." Jennie said and kiss my cheeks closing her eyes slowly.

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