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Third Person's POV

"Get out!" Lisa screamed.

Jisoo got startled on what behavior she's looking.

"W-what..? Limario. Calm the fuck down."

"Get the fuck out!"

"Your wife misses you! You asshole!"

"I don't have a wife! So before I kill you better be gone on my sight." Lisa warned as Jisoo got scared.

"What's wrong with you. What about the time you saw me! You're ready to murder me because of her!?" All can Jisoo say going to the door but before she get out.

"And don't come back, I don't want to see your ugly fucking faces again. Even that pathetic woman who you just told that it is my wife."

"Unbelievable, Jennie love's you! What are you saying?" Jisoo walk near Lisa.

**Chuckle** "And you believe that I love her?"

"Of course! That's why you're here!? You fight for her, are you sort of hit your head Lim?"

"Stop! This? This is just a game Jisoo. I'm having my punishment for not fulfilling my one of my mission and not because of her." Lisa's laugh become louder and louder.

"You're fucking insane. You think I would believe that?"

"You should Jisoo.. because you know how I work. You know me, she's just my little experiment, and I enjoy it a lot." Lisa smirked at her.

"Unbelievable, you played her. I-I thought its true! I thought you guys will work! Is that you really want Lisa!? Then fine!  Rot in here you fucker!" Jisoo slam the door leaving Lisa.


Jisoo tell the news to the three assassin's and they come up an idea for Jennie.

"Jisoo, where's my wife? I thought you're going to get her?" Jennie asked her looking at Jisoo's back maybe, just maybe she finally sees her wife. But sadly, it's only Byul, Jeongyeon, and Seulgi.

"Sit first Jennie." Jeongyeon give her a sad smile.

They all settled as Jennie getting impatient to their actions.

"For chris sake! Can someone someone please talk?!"

"Sh--she's dead Jen. We're sorry. We're too l-late." Byul weakly said.

"That's n-not true... No.. my Lisa. No!" Jennie burst out crying going outside but Jisoo pull her and a big slap land on her face.

"This is all your fault! We were happy back then but you g-guys ruined it!" Jennie give Seulgi a big smash on her side.

She get Jeongyeon collar and punch its stomach, she's in range nobody knows that Jennie can actually turn into beast.

Moonbyul slowly get her gun and give it to Jennie that quickly snatch at her.

Jennie didn't hesitate to aim the gun to Moonbyul's head.

"We were perfect... This is all your f-fault. I hate you. All o-of you." Jennie sob so much.

"We know.." Moonbyul said.


A gunshot echoed and a body collapse.

"Shit! Jennie!" Jisoo said getting Jennie in her arms.

"Quick! We need to go to the hospital." Seulgi said.

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