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Breaking news, The owner of Kim Inc. and Black Company Jennie Kim-Manoban and her wife both found dead in their car last night at the bottom of the ravine. The suspected cause is brake failure and slick road. I'm Son-Min reporting today.


Third Person's POV

"You're really famous my wife." Lisa said back hugging her wife.

"Yes, I am." Jennie turn and make Lisa sat at the sofa then sit at her wifes lap snakes her arms at the assassin's neck.

They kiss until they're naked and have a heated time for themselves.

A week after Jennie discovered her wife's true identity, they both plan to flee, and Lisa is the one who devises a plan for their fake death; no one knows where they are, not even their friends. They don't trust anyone for the time being, and Jennie has left everything for Lisa, including her own companies. They can't imagine being separated from each other; they're in the middle of a forest that even the map can't find. Jennie was initially afraid of leaving the small cabin, but Lisa reassured her that she would protect her no matter what.


Jennie is starting to adjust to a different life than she had in Seoul after two weeks. She knows how to wash their clothes by hand, while Lisa is out gathering wood to keep them warm at night.

"My wife." Lisa smiles lovingly at her wife while holding a lot of woods in her right hand and a bucket of jumping fish in her left.

"Hey hun." Jennie hung the last piece of clothing and walked over to Lisa, wiping the sweat and dirt from her face.

"Luckily I got a lot of fish today." Lisa explained they both entered the house and went straight to the kitchen to wash her hands.

"Thanks hun, I'll cook today but can you clean the fish first? I might not able to do that again like the last time." Jennie laugh a little, Lisa kiss her Jennie's lips and nod proceeding to clean the fish.

This is what they desired: a simple life with each other's support. They love it and do not want it to come to an end, but something is bothering Lisa and she can't help but be concerned.

Meanwhile, the four assassins are still in mourning at the penthouse. While their boss is furious because his top assassin is gone, reason for them to have a lot of missions.

"Do you guys really believe that Lisa and Jennie are dead?" Jeongyeon asked while bitting the tip of her pen.

The three look at her thinking..

"I don't know but they found a body and ... it had their fucking DNA." Moonbyul talked.

"Yeah.. however we all know how clever Limario is, especially when Jennie is involve." Jisoo spitt out.

"They aren't dead, they're just far away. I don't know where they are. I just know." Seulgi mumble going back to her work in the kitchen.

Jeongyeon clap.

"Wow, you change career now huh? I bet a hundred percent it's a fortune teller!" Jeongyeon point her pen at Seulgi.

They laugh a little, but the room falls silent as they consider what Seulgi just said.

Jisoo reason out to the other assassin's to exit at the penthouse and go to Chaeyoung's place.

''Love? I'm home." She speak while taking off her shoes.

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