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I want my bed.

Currently waiting for lisa to arrive here at the airport, she told me she's on her way.

"So my cab is here wifey, is your wife going to get you here?" Chaeng asked holding a lot of you know.. foods.

"Yes hubby, you can go now, lisa told me she's on her way so you don't have to worry." I said to her.

"Ok wifey, take care." She said and hug me then hop in at the car infront of us and drove.

Just in time lisa is here. Going out to the car wearing a dark green women suit she make a lot of people turn their heads on her. I glared at them like a cat that ready to scratch their faces.

"Welcome home my wife." She said to me and kiss my forehead I feel my cheeks heat up, she pick up my luggage and put it at the back seats. She open the door for me that gladly I go inside.

I lean my head at the car window and close my eyes.

"My wife we're here." I feel lisa tap my shoulder, I adjusted my eyes to the surrounding and yeah we're infront of our house. I go out at the car want to continue my sleep.

"I'm gonna continue to sleep lisa, thanks." I said to her then I go upstairs.

Walking to our bed I saw a daisy with dandelions at our side table with a note.

For my beautiful wife.


My lips automatically smile and I heard someone came in.

It's lisa holding my luggage, my arms wrapped to her waist and I buried my face to her chest.

"Thank you for the daisy lisa, It's my favorite flower." I said and look up to her.

Too close jennie!

I let go of our hugs and step back, she cleared her throat and fix her suit.

"You're welcome my wife. Do you want me to prepare you a breakfast before you go to sleep?" She asked me while I was nervous because of our contact.

"I..uh. don't bother lisa, I already ate breakfast." I said she just nod at me.

"That's good, I'm gonna go now to my company my wife." She said and kiss my crown. "Call me if you need anything and I will come."

I nod at her and smile a little.

"Take care hun." I said to her before she go outside, I saw how she tuck her lips and nod.

I know I'm being softy here, but I don't care.


What a good sleep, I got up from our bed walk downstairs I saw my wife already prepared our lunch.

"Hey, I thought you were at your company?" I asked.

"Yeah, But I want to prepare lunch for us." She said plainly looking at me.

Ok that's sweet.

"Let's eat." She said, we start to eat.

"Can I ask you a question lisa?" I asked.



"Can I ask you a question lisa?" Jennie asked.

"Of course." I said and stop eating.

"I haven't seen your parents even in our wedding day."

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