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I can't stand what's going on around me, someone fixes my hair, puts lipstick on my lips. This is the day I will marry Lisa Manoban. Shouldn't you feel nervous, happy and positive when you get married. While me, full of annoyance and lack of appetite, I want to finish this so I can rest. I still have a lot to do in the office.

"You're done." The make up artist said. I glance at the mirror looking at myself holding a white bouquet of tulips. I'm such a goddess, everything is set. Even this simple beautiful gown that I'm wearing.

 Even this simple beautiful gown that I'm wearing

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"But miss something is missing." The hairstylist said, My eyebrows crease and I look at them. They gestured their lips for me to smile. I just rolled my eyes at them and proceed to the venue.

Standing infront of this Big doors the music start and it slowly opening revealing a lots of people that I knew and didn't.

Standing infront of this Big doors the music start and it slowly opening revealing a lots of people that I knew and didn't

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I take a deep breath and start to walk.

I heard them gasp, of course because of my beauty. You can't see every day face like this.

I saw hubby clueless but still keep smiling. She mouth that I need to smile so I force my lips not wanting to look like a little girl obliged from this situation.

Then I saw the woman I will be living for the rest of my life maybe. She's wearing a white tuxedo paired of black pants and shiny black shoe's. She's so pretty handsome because of her hair down, Am I seeing this right? I saw her eyes with adoration but still remain her posture. She doesn't even smile for chris sake!

Not noticing I already arrived at the front, Lisa offered her hand to me and we both face the front

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Not noticing I already arrived at the front, Lisa offered her hand to me and we both face the front.

"Welcome everyone. Lisa and Jennie have chosen you, those special and important to them, to witness and celebrate the beginning of their life together. Today, as we create this marriage, we also create a new bond and new sense of family - one that will undoubtedly include all who are present here today."

The wedding continue we both finished our vow, she put genlty our wedding ring to my finger, it fits perfectly. She ready her hand to me.

Wow. Her hand was soft and her fingers are so long. I put the ring to her also. And we exchange glances.

"You may now kiss."

Lisa lift up my veil slowly and she smile at me a little. She's cute when she smile, I do the same. She's hesitating to kiss me and I saw her gulp.

She lean forward to get closer to me. I close my eyes and I feel a soft lips to mine, even it's quick my mind beg for more. Then we heard a loud cheer of the people.

Exhausting hours past, the wedding is finally over. Me and chaeng talk about what happened yesterday, of course she's teasing me with lisa then she congratulate me and go home.

Lisa is now driving into our new home that dad bought for us two. I don't know where and what it's look like. A sigh escape from my mouth, everything happened so fast.

"We're here." Lisa said, get out then open the door for me. I saw our house, not bad for two people dad.

"I already explore the house yesterday, our bedroom is upstairs, and all of your clothes was there so you don't have to worry about anything

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"I already explore the house yesterday, our bedroom is upstairs, and all of your clothes was there so you don't have to worry about anything." She explain and open the main door expose a cozy living room.

"Our? No. We're not going to sleep together." I said in firm voice and look at her, but she's looking at me back like she's game of what I'm up to.

"Why? Afraid of something kitten?" She said teasing but her face remain fierce.

"What should I afraid of Lisa? Are you going to do something to me?" I said and smirked at her and step infront of her smelling this strong chocolate coffee.

"If you want to. I can." She said then tuck my hair behind my ears. Her hands makes my heart pound so fast that's why I quickly step back.

I rolled my eyes at her and crossed my arms then walk upstairs. I go to our walk in closet, mine was on right while her is on the left side. She have a lot of coat and suit. Wow.

I go to get a satin slip sleepwear to be more comfortable always when I'm asleep.

I open the faucet so the bathtub will fill of water and put a aromatic liquid to it. I slowly put myself and immerse my body and relax.

I close my eyes and sigh.

I heard a loud bang to my door then I saw lisa standing infront of me panting.

"What the hell lisa?!" I said in anger. Even just an hour give me time to relax for fuck sake!

"I thought something happened to you because you're not answering. That's why I barge in." She said in cold tone. I look at the door and it's broken.

"Can't I just not want to be disturbed or I just fell asleep? You don't have to break down the door. Look what you've done!" I groan looking at her. She look at the door because I didn't notice that I get up not having anything on my body. My face turn red.

"It's your fault." She said make me more mad.

"Get out!" I shout at her, she walk away like nothing happened. 6 months I will file a divorce and explained to dad that this marriage is not working. Fucking hell.

I wash my body so that I can rest. I get out of the bathroom and proceed to our bed. She's not here. I don't care about her, I lay down and slowly close my eyes.

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