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Been weeks when lisa let me saw her vulnerable state, she became more affectionate, clingy and sweet towards me and I can't help to be like that too.

Speaking of my wife...

"My wife how do I look?" She said looking at me and wait for my answer, she often asked my opinion about her appearance.


As I put my one last touch for my make up I stand up and go towards her then roam my eyes starting to her black shoe's up to her maroon slacks pants then to her maroon suit underneath with a white long sleeve.


"You look good

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"You look good." I said to her but I buttoned up some so people couldn't see my wife's flawless collarbone then I put my one hand to her nape looking at her.

"No that's not the answer I want." She said blank face.

Such a demanding.

"I love it, everything you wear looks perfect on you but please don't be too pretty handsome you always catch girl's eyes." I said and roll my eyes at her.

"I can't do that my wife, and it's not my fault that I'm good looking." She said cocky and smirked.

"Cocky are we?" I said as I let my hand slide to her shoulder down to her hand.

She chuckle, I'm glad that she's not stopping herself to be like this.

"Boop." She said as she tap my nose with her index finger then smile at me widely.

Ok that caught me off guard but it's fucking cute.

"Did I already told you that you look gorgeous?" She said.

And now it's my turn to chuckle.

"You haven't silly." I said to her while smiling.

"You're too good to be true Mrs. Manoban and even the goddesses are jealous because of your gorgeous face." She said sincerely I always received a lot as in a lot of compliment to everyone but incomes to lisa it's fucking different like I feel so perfect on her eyes.

I kiss her both cheeks.

"Thank you hun. Such a sweet talker." I said she wrapped her arms at my waist and she bury her face on my neck.

Fuck. I don't know what were doing right now but I just want you to know that ..

"I like you lisa." I whispered at her. She let go of our hugs and look at me intently.

"I.. I don't know what to say." She said then shyly avoid my gaze.

"It's okay.. take your time. You'll figure it out soon." I said and squeeze her hand.

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