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Third Person's POV

A cold woman is preoccupied buying groceries because she was been busy the past few days.

"Hmm.. what else?" She question herself while looking at the stall while pushing her cart.

"I think watermelon?" She heard someone told, reason for her head to turn.

"What are you doing here seulgi?" Irene asked.

"Same as you, I got loose on our bet that's why I'm doing this." Seulgi give her a warm smile but Irene just nod and proceed to somewhere.

"H-hey, Miss bae. Oh shit! I'm sorry." Seulgi apologize because she just bump someone's cart for following Irene.

But she lost her ..

Seulgi got sad and went to the counter because she finished her list already, but she makes sure to buy a watermelon because it remembered her love of her life.

While Irene is having a hard time carrying a lot of grocery bags because of her little hands.

"Let me." Luckily Seulgi saw Irene struggling that's why she didn't hesitate to help her.

"No, thank you." Irene blurted out finding her car.

"I insist." Seulgi the stubborn get all the grocery bags even her hand is full with hers also.

Irene just give up because she knows Seulgi well that's why she walk going to her car and open the trunk.

"Just put it here, thanks for the help." Irene utter without looking to Seulgi.

"Y-yeah, you're welcome." Seulgi awkwardly said while relaxing her breath because she got tired holding it. "Bye."

Irene nod and go inside her car then drive.

Seulgi let out a sigh but it makes her happy seeing her Irene.

She started to walk not until a raindrops fall and become heavy.

"Shit shit shit. Fuck, I didn't bring my car because of my lazy ass." Seulgi look everywhere and settled for a while in a bus stop.

"It's getting cold, Aish. The bus is taking so long. Damn it."

A familiar car stop Infront of her and the window roll down.

"Get in." Irene told, Seulgi quickly go inside the car because she's freezing.

"Here. To help you warm, why did you not bring your car?" Irene give her office coat and asked focusing on the road.

"B-because I got lazy to bring?" Seulgi reason out and smile a little.

"The rain is really heavy, we'll go to my apartment because it's closer than your penthouse, if it's okay with you."

"Of course, no prob. I mean yeah. That'll be great."

They reach Irene's apartment.

"Wait me here, I'll get you some clothes. You might catch cold if you won't change quickly." Irene said blandly and enter one of the room.

Seulgi is looking everywhere like a kid, roaming her eyes because she feel so much joy being at Irene's apartment.

"Here." Seulgi got startled when she didn't notice that Irene is infront of her that's why she cleared her throat and get the clothes.

"Thanks, uhm? Where's the bathroom?"

"There." Irene point where the bathroom makes Seulgi nod and go.

When Seulgi is nowhere to be seen Irene clutch her chest because everytime the other woman's near it makes her wish to bring back the past again, like them being happy with each other. But she guard her heart well not to experience the worst of being left alone again.

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