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I open my eyes when I noticed my lisa is not here beside me in our bed, I sigh not wanting to overthink. How can I sleep everyday knowing she's outside doing something that I don't want to know. I get up slowly and heading downstairs to get a glass of water.

"Where are you lisa-yah?" I mumble sitting on our sofa at the living room.

I heard our door open, I saw her got shock but quickly change to her calm face.

She cleared her voice before going to me.

"Why you're up my wife?" She said then sit beside me kissing my cheek.

'Where were you?'

Argh! I want to question her.

"I just got a glass of water." I told looking at the table.

There was silence but she broke it.

"Here. I bought your favorite ice cream. This must be tomorrow's surprise but I hope you'll still like it." She said handing me to it, she slowly kiss my lips.

I don't know how to react but I'm happy when she's home.

"Thank you hun, I love you." I said as I look at the container of ice cream. I hug her tight and I'm not sure if I heard her groaned but I ignore it.

"I love you more. I'm about to tell you when you wake up for tomorrow why I go out tonight, jisoo got into accident that's why I quickly rush to hospital where she got into." She explained reason for to worried.

"Really? How's her condition?" I asked.

She took her phone and scroll something, after that she make me look at the phone where jisoo has cut all over her body while leaning at the tree.

"Jeongyeon sent me this, she drive while drunk that's why she got into accident. The doctor said she's lucky because she didn't hit her head, they'll run some CT scan just to make sure she don't have broken bones." Lisa explain.

"Poor jisoo, I want to visit her tomorrow. How's chaeng? Omg I need to tell her about this." I get my phone when I noticed lisa give me a confused look.

"Why do you need to call chaeng?"

Shit, I forgot about their secret relationship.


I'm doomed!

Think jennie. Think!

I cleared my throat and look at her calmly.

"Because she's my best friend/hubby. We always have this connection that we need to tell everything what happened around us. You know bessy thingz." I explained, I hope she'll but it.

She nods at me, which makes me smile.

We decided to sleep again because tomorrow we'll visit jisoo.


Lisa open the door for me, I saw jisoo lying at the bed sleeping but as soon she heard us entering she open her eyes.

"Sup." She said getting up to sit.

"How are you? We brought some fruits I asked lisa put it on her side table.

"I think I'm fine now." She chuckle.

"Why do you even drink then drive such an idiot move jisoo." I scolded her. She was dumbfounded to what I said that's why I look at lisa.

"Wha-- oh yeah yeah.. I'm such an idiot sometimes. Sorry for worrying you guys." Jisoo said scratching her nape.

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