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I need to prepare a good presentation about the upcoming biggest partnership, I need to get that so I'll remain top 2 in the business field.

As I walked around the house I noticed my wife distance this past few days, like she's turning to the lisa that I met the first time. She's watching movie but I don't know if she really is because her stare was like something's going on in her mind.

I kiss her cheeks makes her blink and look at me. I put a smile on my face looking at her.

"I love you" I said sliding my hand to hers.

She didn't utter a word, I miss her sweetness. Even asleep we didn't do cuddles anymore.

"Is there something wrong hun?" I asked.

"Nothing" she answered plainly.

"Are you sure? I mean we can talk about it if you want?"

Why she's not answering me?! I'm getting annoyed here.

"Okay.. how about? Hhmmm.. how's work?"

"Good." She said.

"Is there something interesting going around like yo--

"Can you see? I'm watching so stop asking questions." She cutt me off looking irritated.

"I-I just want to talk.."

I heard her sigh.

"And I don't." She said facing me with her cold aura.

I don't want her to see me hurt with her words.

"Sure." I said walking away from her. I don't want to stress myself if she's not in the mood.

I need to prepare my presentation.

Days past of not talking to lisa is like a torture for me.

I want her to talk to me first but she keep quiet if were together.

"This fucking partnership will be in 3 days and I can't focus! I hate you lisa for ignoring me!" I yell inside my office throwing my pen harshly until a knock on my door heard.

I compose myself.

"Come in." I said and I saw lisa entering.

I roll my eyes at her.

"What do you want? I'm busy." I said pretending to read anything on my table, however I'm super happy because she's here.

"I'll be leaving later because of the business trip. I'll be back in two days." She said making my happiness turn into anger.

I want to throw the fucking chair at her but I also want to throw myself and feel her warm.

"Do what you want." I said plainly stopping myself for being a possessive bitch.

I heard my door closed, I look up and saw no one.

"She leave like that.. no kisses on the lips or hugs?" I said in between my breathe.

Lisa makes me feel worthless and I don't like this.

I'm questioning myself if I did something wrong? Or I'm wrong for her? I don't know anymore.

I start to sobbed.

I'm hurt lisayah...

Why did I do? I really miss you...


Our house looks gloomy because its been one day that my wife is on the business trip.

I hope that business trip will be finished early than it should.

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